To CIBA (CARD Received)


Registered Users (C)
Hi Ciba,
I am on your Approval List (as SCREETSAM it SHOULD BE SREETSAM).
My wife and myself received ourt actual Green Cards last week (10/10). Just to let you know so that you can maintain the statistic properly. Once again thank you for your valuble contribution towards the immigration community. THANK YOU SIR.
No Title

he was approved on 6/01 So if 551 was stamped same month, it took 4 month for the plastic card which is in line with my expectations
Plastic Card

Hey American, when did you get your passport stamped? What about you csc_aos?

I got my stamp on Aug 12, 2001 at San Jose. 2 more months to go for me? Ha? As you know things start slowing down after Dec 20.

By the way, just heard on CNN that there was a some Anthrax threat at one of INS mail rooms and that they have stopped all mail room operations at INS centers for the time being!! I guess Murphy was right!
