To Blackhack21, fjaffery, florida68, houston485, txgcslave


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To Blackjack21, fjaffery, florida68, houston485, txgcslave, v485

I am going to talk to my lawyer tomorrow to see if they can help out in moving our applications out of the officer’s hands. Can you folks talk to your lawyers and ask them if they can do something about our officer number as well.

Also has anyone called the national customer service number and asked them or have contacted the congressman to ask them about this delay.
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I did everthing that is possible tobe done. Congressman, senator, customer no-serivce, etc... Same answer everytime : WAIT. As if our lives has no value for them.
Davh, what did your lawyer say about the situation? I asked my lawyer about this last week and she told me to wait another 2-4 weeks. According to the official BCIS processing report, we have to wait 60 days after they receive the RFE before making an inquiry about it. So if nothing happens for another month or so, I will call the 800 number. I just hope #016 wakes up soon.

my lawyer has not replied back. As soon as I get the reply I will post it here. I will also ask my lawyer if there are other cases at their office that has got RFE's from officer 16 and if they have sent an enquiry about it.
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I have called the 1-800 number, the answer is weit. I also talked to my lawyer, she said they have 3 to 4 month to response to a RFE. But if 60 days is the limit, I can call my lawyer again at the end of the month to see if we can file an inquery. What else we can try?

has anyone asked your lawyer to see if your lawyers office has received RFE's from 16 that has a date prior to yours. If there is one then we can follow up with the lawyer and ask them to query the CIS.

houston485: When you called the 1-800 number how many more days did they ask you to wait? Did you try to see if you could talk to a tier 2 representative?

I am still waiting on my da** sl** lawyer to respond.
reply from my lawyer

My lawyer suggested that we approach the congresspeople, senators to solve this problem. Shall we form a group and start calling up. Please send your email addresses via PM to me and we can start sharing information about where we are, where we filed etc. and start contacting the political offices and start putting pressure.
I already did that. I exhausted every avenue that could be taken until I came to a dead end saying "WAIT". I am so tired. It cost me 7 years of my life stuck in one place where I could be making at least three times the money. I really lost faith. Even if I get it today I will not be happy it will be a bitter sweet event for me. Sorry guys, I needed to let some steam go out.

I called my congressman’s office and Senator Kay Hutchison’s office and mentioned the problem and officer 016 is missing in action whereas other officers are approving cases within a week or 10 days. Both the offices requested me to fax the information: Don’t know whether it will work or not but will give it a try. Txgcslave which congressperson and senator did you try.
I tried Congressman Johnny Isakson and Senator Saxby Chambliss. The congressman spoke person didn't know what she is talking about but Senator spoke person seems somewhat more knowledgeable. We will see.

I also called CIS talked to IIO. He said that he is going to do a "referral" (Don't know what it means) but that's the only thing left. He said because my case has passed the date when it is suppose to be adjudicated.

Based on your post I just called CIS and they told me that I have to wait my date is Sep and they are processing June. I think the person who took your note assumed that your date was before June 23 and would have sent an enquiry to ask about it. Hope it wakes up officer 16.

Perhaps other folks who got their RFE's from 16 could try the same and post their experiences in here as well.
I will talk to my lawyer about it on Friday. Also, I'm going to call the 800 number since my FP is expiring in May. If we all do something, maybe it will wake up #016 soon. Hope for the best.

When I talked to the lady on the 1-800 number, she told me to wait since they are processing June cases, I'm not there yet. I'll check with my lawyer to see if any other people get RFE from officer 16.
hello guys

Blackjack21: Can you please ask your lawyer who would your lawyer talk to after 60days has passed to get things moving about the RFE. If the lawyer is going to call the CIS customer service then you would probably get a reply saying that you would have to wait. Just trying to figure out if the lawyer was feeding BS or if it is for real.

Others: can you please contact the congressperson or senator and mention that other folks get adjudicated in a period of week to 10 days whereas officer 16 seems to be missing and hence the files are waiting. If several people have the same query hopefully this will trigger something at the CIS to look at our RFE replies.

I have faxed my letters to the congressman and senator in Texas two days ago.

Freemind: when was your RFE date and reply date.
I called the CIS today. I requested to speak with IIO. Fair enough, I got thru. I requested an explanation to the delay in reaching a decision on my case since every deadline has passed. She put me on hold and then came back to say that on Feb 24, I got cleared from IBIS. So I asked what is that. She explained that it is Interagency Board Inspection System. This is to check for security purposes. I replied that I never heard of it before. She said well, every officer has his/her method of adjudicating. I thought there is a standard procedure to that. Obviously, I was wrong.

Anyway, she said that I have to wait 30 to 60 days after clearing the IBIS. I think this is B**** S***. Just another ignorant answer coming from a low paid government employee.

So please, if anyone knows what is this and can explain it please reply.

IBIS is the security checks they do on folks like us. Atleast it is good that your security checks are completed. Only now if God (16) opens his file and adjudicates that would be great.

I just got a call back from my Congressional Office. They said that everything is in my file ready (of course it is) for adjudication and asked me to wait for 90 more days. If nothing happens in 90 days then they asked me to call back. I think it was guess work on their part because my ND is 9/01 which is 3 months away from the current date so they pulled the date out of the air.
Will see what I hear back from the Senator's office.

I will also try the IIO angle to see what they say.

txgcslave: what did you say to get through to the IIO.

I said immediately after the hello, can I talk to IIO please. They will ask you if they can help you with anything. I always decline by saying only IIO is familiar with my case.

Hope it works for you.
my interaction with the IIO

Txgcslave: I guess you got a lucky IIO. The IIO I got told me that they have no access to anything other than the website and was not able to provide any information. All she mentioned was to give the fax number of TSC 214-489-8021 and said that I have to fax my information to this number and if they feel this case has some merit they will look at it. Another BS.

Txgcslave was your IIO able to go into the computer right away and look for the information or were you transferred again to some other officer. Can you please let me know.

How about others, have you tried any of these. I am willing to bet that if all of us keep requesting the information through congressional channels and mention the officer name someone is bound to take notice. You don’t make noise and they think that everything is fine.