Time to say yeeha.. wac02113xxxxx approved


Registered Users (C)
Just picked my approval letter from lawyer's office. No RFE. Two and half years of wait means I am not all that crazy about it, but it still feels good. No more looking over the shoulder to see if my job is safe, when is EAD expiring etc. Also I used AC21 and changed jobs twice, 'no RFE' means extra silver lining.

All the thanks to great people on this board specially Kashmir and 140takes4ever, bitterman, sillyman. This board kept my sanity alive.

RD: Feb 8 '02
ND: Feb 15 '02
First FP: April 18 02
Second FP: Jan 28 04

3 EAD and 3 APs. Last set received last month.

LUD changed to June18th but status still says processing resumed and never received any email.