time to return home

Wow i am surprised how anyone can think of trying other option's after having undergone the GC process here? Doing it once after leaving your country is enough.
Doing it with another country is usually much easier. Self sponsor, 6-18 months and you are done, and you often can complete it all before moving to the destination country. Either you do it in 6-18 months with another country, with a degree of personal control of the process, or stay in the US and face the possibility of waiting much longer than that with uncertainty hanging over your head and control out of your hands.
To be honest I would like to be out of the UK as I feel it's too crowded for me but the big thing is that all my family is there and all are UK citizens.

... i dont know how long you lived in US, but once you start working and living here for longer... you will realize how much you wish being with the crowd... US is so friggin lonely ... no wonder suicide rates are up, depression complaints are so normal... such things really worry me for my kids... kids are socializing less and less... getting glued to computer, TVs, Video games, more and more... we are raising more of machines, less of good hearted citizens... GOD save the mankind... we seem to be a victim of our own technology ...

all in all, you nailed it, the big thing IS family..
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This is a very moving story. For the sake of your children , I will suggest that you wait one more year. You've waited 11 years for the GC, so why give up now???? Give the USCIS a call and mention your situation.And keep Calling every two weeks just to remind them of your case. Anyway, you have nothing to lose since you are leaving. Try this last move and see what would happen. You never know.
You should complete the journey of thousand miles (GC) you started 11 years so that your children would not have to stay on the lane.
Goog luck!!!!
Since you trawl in this forum, I guess you might be aware of 'Expedite request' of your 'aging out' son and the ultimate 'Brahmastra' WOM. If you have made up your mind to go anyway, try this and go. You might as well get it. If not what the heck, you get your Social in another 13 years ( You completed 11 years!!!, so if you have paid SS tax for 10 years you atleast get pension)
Thank to all of you for sincere support, finally I’ve got my birthday present:
Today received a “card ordered” message.
I think your website did a magic.
Rajiv, your portal is a real and comprehensive help to many people, God bless you.

Very happy to see your case approved after a long time.

At last you got your birthday gift and good luck to your son next year to go to nice university. This is good news as you don't need to rollback your process and wait few more years.

*** My son next year will be ready for college - very bright kid, but all USA colleges will be closed for him and we need to move on. I gave deadline for myself - my birthday, if it will not happen by that time - I will start a rollback process.

I am already upset with my case so my user Id shows the frustation as well.
I am not sure when this forum brings magic to my case.:) :confused: :mad:
Very glad to see this happy ending to your story. Wish you the very best with your an your family's future in this country.

Thank to all of you for sincere support, finally I’ve got my birthday present:
Today received a “card ordered” message.
I think your website did a magic.
Rajiv, your portal is a real and comprehensive help to many people, God bless you.
This is my first heart felt congrats. I know it chnages the fate/destiny of your family and kids. May be god wanted you to stay here for your life. Having brought up your child from age 10 -16 (whatever) and then ttrying to change his life style is a very big challenge - they may question like hell!! you may feel guilty that you did not do all the steps to get your GC faster. All said and done... you are no more confused, but have a clear mind set of how yo uwould like to move forward with your kids life. God bless you. I am really happy for a unconfused ending.
Thank to all of you for sincere support, finally I’ve got my birthday present:
Today received a “card ordered” message.
I think your website did a magic.
Rajiv, your portal is a real and comprehensive help to many people, God bless you.

Congratulations Vermier.
May god bless you and your family.