Time to ACT everyone toward our citizenship

Ohio Asylee

Registered Users (C)
With the case being settled on June 15 and the deadline to object is June, 6...Don't you guys think with me that this is the only best apportunity to raise the question about counting our time wasted waiting for the GC toward our citizenship just like they do with refugees?

I am not saying we should object because it is a good settlement, I applied for GC on August of 2000 and my date is closer and probably get it soon, but who knows with immigration they could delay it forever, this new settlement will speed it up and we will have a way to contact them...So, instead of objecting, can we just raise the issue to the judge and the lawers and write a letter for them asking them please to consider our waited timed toward our citizenship, we have to include our suffering to wait for for this moment and to be treated as aqual as our refugee friends, all we are asking for is EQUALITY and again we shouldn't object, we should just raise the issue and ask for compensation which is time toward our citizenship.

I know some of you mentioned about RTDs, but who will care about them if we get our citizenship sooner and our dream American Passport so we totally be free. IT NEVER HURT TO TRY, but again please don't send objection letters just a reminder for them and we should make them feel sorry for us, just imagin if they agreed and said we can apply for citizenship a year after we get our GC

*** We should also suggest that we can pay double, triple or even 10 times the current rate to process our citizenships since they may say that it will take more of thier time, they can hire new people or give over time. Thanks to everyone, does anyone support me on this?
I am deffinatly with you!!!!!!! i support you in this. I think we should rasi this issue. I also applyed for GC in October 200, My biometrics was done in April 2005. 5 years we lived in this country, pay taxes, working,open our bisnesses. This years should be counted toward our citezenship. I think its fare. LETS Do something!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:

That's exactly what I said last month and I did send my letters. I didn't criticize the settlement but kind of mentioned these two issues (longer validity of RTD's and counting our wasted time towards our citizenship time period requirments) as my wish list.
I think more people should send these letters. It couldn't hurt.
I am with you guys 110%. Where can we send a letter or petition? We are not going to lose anything by asking the judge to include our time we waited so far
toward US citizenship.
I am sending my letter

Thanks for all your support guys

I have been in this country since 1990 and this is more than half my life, I was a teenager when I got here. I LOVE this country and the apportunities it gave me after I was depressed back home and discriminated against because I am a minority and for all this 15 years that I spent in this country I deserve to feel part of this country through citizenship.
WE REALLY SHOULD ASK THE JUDGE TO MAKE US EQUAL TO REFUGEES and count this time toward our citizenship. :)

Anyone know the E mail address of the person responsible for this case at the law office who filed the law sute and his/her name? I'll send them a reminder as well
Anyone knows?

Anyone Knows the e mail address and the name of the person responsible for for the law sute in the law office?
What about asking for help from AILA and taking it to court?

This is my suggestion:

As you can see from the court decision the justice system agrees with asylees. So my suggestion would be to force the government/CIS through the legal system to give us credit at least for the three years they delayed our adjustment just because they didn't feel like processing the 10,000 adjustments required by law.

Unless we use the legal channels I don't think the government will bend to acknowledge their mistake and give us credit for the years we spent waiting for them to come to their senses just beacause a bunch of NOT IMPORTANT class of immigrants write a letter and ask for it.

If you have a better idea I am willing to do my best to see it happen!!!
that is not true

did you really carefully read what I said..? where did I say to send letters to the immigration?????????????????????????

My suggestion to send the letters to the judge and the lawyers who handled the case from the beging, this is the last chance to remind the judge since he was nice and really came down on the immigration office and caled it a national embaressment. Since he was really on our side, we are trying the last minute thing here. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY what people write before responding ;)