Time for application to reach NVC from St.Louis

Looks like its the season of NVC responses. Just heard from my attorney that my case has been forwarded to the Chennai consulate by the NVC (sent the P3 forms to STL on 7/25 - that's two full months!) - I guess the interview should be in December?

Mine has not yet reached NVC eventhough my checks were cashed on aug21...Operators keep telling that they are looking into it.. I don't know what to do...

Originally posted by sudden
Looks like its the season of NVC responses. Just heard from my attorney that my case has been forwarded to the Chennai consulate by the NVC (sent the P3 forms to STL on 7/25 - that's two full months!) - I guess the interview should be in December?
PIII mailed to STL - 09/04/02
Check cashed - 09/18/02
PIII recieved at NVC - 09/25/02
PIII review - ???
Hang in there, Newchennai. My checks were cashed on Aug 1st, and my letter from the NVC is dated Sep 25 - so your number should be up in a coupla weeks.
Re: Reconfirmation Letter for CP fromNVC

Originally posted by dax99
Guys !! I need your help.

My I-140 from NSC approved on 09/10/2002. Now I am waiting for NVC to create my case # as I already choose CP Mumbai in my I-140.
Also I assumed that NVC will send reconfirmation letter for CP i.e. we have to send letter to NVC that I am going for CP.

Now my question is they(NVC) well send this kind of letter to my Lawyer or my self ? If they are sending me then I changed my address i.e. while filling I-140 I was living in St.Louis and now I am living in Minneapolis . Is there any procedure that I have to follow ?
Or Can I send reconfirmation letter in advance or I have to send through my lawyer ?

Please help me on this.


Could you tell me how long from the date of your I-140 approval did it take for NVC to create and send P3 to you/your lawyer.

My details
I-140 AD - 20 Aug 2002
Lawyer mailed confirmation letter for doing CP - 23 Sep 2002

As per my conversation with the NVC officer they haven't received the confirmation letter so far.

Just waiting for my P3 to be received at my lawyer.

I would really appreciate your reply.
My Application has been reviwed by NVC. The review was completed today. That means the review has a system stamp of today. However I think it was done on Friday. My application would be sent to Mumbai consulate in 2-4 weeks ( NVC time line). I guess my application would be in Mumbai by Oct 25th. Hopefully will get Decemeber interview.

All other forum members expecting Dec Interviews please join Dec Mumbai thread. As a service to other member please post your details on CPtracker.com and also add this information in this thread.

My dates

LC filed 11/13/2001
LC apporved 05/08/2002
I-140 filed 05/23/2002
I-140 approved 07/27/2002
Case with NVC from INS 08/05/2002
NVC creates Case 08/15/2002
NVC sends case 08/21/2002
Case received by Lawyer 08/27/2002
Fee and Packet 3 sent to St. Louis 09/06/2002
Checks cleared at St. Louis on 09/16/2002
Case reaches NVC 09/23/2002
Case reviewed at NVC 10/15/2002

Hope this helps other members.

Chennai Consulate

P3 to STL - 09/4/02
check cashed - 09/18/02
STL to NVC - 09/25/02
Review - 10/16/02
Mailed to consulate - 10/22/02
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My case was sent to consulate on last week.
I don't know when NVC received it. I didn' check with them for last two weeks.
Cashier's Checks...

Hi All:

I have mailed out my P3 with a Cashier's Check from US Bank on 16th of this month to St.Louis. Could anyone tell me, how to findout, whether they encashed it or not. Also, wondering howlong it is taking now to review the P3 by NVC.

Thanks for any hint...

NVC Contact #?

My check has been cashed on 10/18. I tried calling NVC at 603-334-0700. Noone picked up. Has the number changed? Did anyone reach NVC recently? What # please.


Re: NVC Contact #?

You no longet get automated msg when you call during the day, some one is going to pick up but you have to hang in there long..I have had similar thing happen to me several times, but every time some one pick after 10 or so rings...

Originally posted by Venkat CNV
My check has been cashed on 10/18. I tried calling NVC at 603-334-0700. Noone picked up. Has the number changed? Did anyone reach NVC recently? What # please.

