Time for application to reach NVC from St.Louis


Registered Users (C)
Can someone give their insight as to how much time does it take for NVC to receive the case after the Cashiers check has been incashed by the bank in St.Louis. Can folks replying to this post, post their individual experiences. ( Like how many days for Case to reach NVC after their check has been cashed).

Would appreciate an answer.

Iam having bad luck..
i mailed pckt3 on aug8th..
my cashier's chq was cashed on aug21st..
but still NVC has not yet received it.

I added my wife as dependend after NVC send pkt3 to me.
Both chq was cashed
Why dont you proactively send NVC a letter stating your situation ( add your case #) and a notarized copy of MC, and Wife's BC. This way they will be in better position to act in your case.

My case is straight forward. My wife was added to the case at the I-140 stage. NVC requested me to send two drafts. One for my wife and one for myself. Both have been cashed on the 16th of Sep. I am trying to figure out how much time does it take for the application to reach from St. Louis to NVC. ( On an avergae)


when did you send the p3 to stl. i mailed mine on 09/04/02 and the cashier's checks have not been cashed as yet.
I mailed my application on 09/06/2002. My check was encashed on 09/16/2002.

MC and BC

Why do you need MC and BC to be sent to ST. Louis? Instructions for Packet 3 states that they need to be produced only during the time of interview:confused:

Re: RE:

Originally posted by newchennai
Iam having bad luck..
i mailed pckt3 on aug8th..
my cashier's chq was cashed on aug21st..
but still NVC has not yet received it.

I added my wife as dependend after NVC send pkt3 to me.
Both chq was cashed

You should't have any problems as cheques are cashed. Dont worry too much. Delays in this stage are not unusual. Good luck...

Becasue for me I added my wife after NVC sent packt3 to me.

If there is any change in our status , we need to send those docs to support it.
Re: RE:

Originally posted by newchennai
Becasue for me I added my wife after NVC sent packt3 to me.

If there is any change in our status , we need to send those docs to support it.


Let me ask you couple of questions,
1. Is your spouse name mentioned in fee bill (bar coded page)?
2. Did you send your marraige certificates etc.. along with your P3?
Same here


I mailed my app. to STL on 09/06. The MO's were cashed 09/16. I think we are in the same boat. Which consulate are you going to??

Re: Re: RE:

Originally posted by saradao


Let me ask you couple of questions,
1. Is your spouse name mentioned in fee bill (bar coded page)?
2. Did you send your marraige certificates etc.. along with your P3?

1. my spouse name was not mentioned in fee bill
2. yeah.. i sent marraige certificate etc with my P3.

Re: Re: Re: RE:

Originally posted by newchennai

1. my spouse name was not mentioned in fee bill
2. yeah.. i sent marraige certificate etc with my P3.


This what you should have done before:

When your spouse name is not included in barcoded page you should call back NVC, let them know the situation and send all required docs(marrainge cerficate etc...) some times they may accept fax copies too. After all these they will send new bar coded page which contains your spouse name also... There are quite a few in this forum who had similar problem and I remember suggesting the same. Infact it is always better to call NVC just after they recieved your I140 file from INS and before creating P3 so that you save some time.

Any way call NVC now and let them know the situation. Good luck..
For raji_needs_GC


Do you know how much time does it take for application to reach NVC after the checks have been cashed. My consulate is Mumbai.
Reconfirmation Letter for CP fromNVC

Guys !! I need your help.

My I-140 from NSC approved on 09/10/2002. Now I am waiting for NVC to create my case # as I already choose CP Mumbai in my I-140.
Also I assumed that NVC will send reconfirmation letter for CP i.e. we have to send letter to NVC that I am going for CP.

Now my question is they(NVC) well send this kind of letter to my Lawyer or my self ? If they are sending me then I changed my address i.e. while filling I-140 I was living in St.Louis and now I am living in Minneapolis . Is there any procedure that I have to follow ?
Or Can I send reconfirmation letter in advance or I have to send through my lawyer ?

Please help me on this.

The letter is sent if your lawyer has not sent a G28 ( Form for Legal Representation) to NSC/NVc.

If that is the case, the letter would be sent to your lawyer.
Originally posted by Bapa
The letter is sent if your lawyer has not sent a G28 ( Form for Legal Representation) to NSC/NVc.

If that is the case, the letter would be sent to your lawyer.

Letter is sent in some case even if G-28 is enclosed. I guess there should be some other criterian.....
If your wife's name was not included during I-140

Hello NewChennai,

Info below is for your FYI.... Call NVC and explain the situation.

Audience - If your wife's name was not included during I-140, and if you opted for CP ...then (read below the process...)


1) If NVC doesn't have "SPOUCE" information before they generate the PACKET-3

1.1) the packet-3 will be generated only for PRIMARY, and the bar-coded letter will reflect "fees for primary only"

1.2) SPOUCE information will not be seen/entered into their System.

1.3) packet-3 will be sent to the PRIMARY's address.

1.4) USUALLY, you attach seperate applications for "yourself" and "spouce", and send it back to ST.LOUIS with DOUBLE THE FESS. ( If you catch the mistake as early as here, you will avoid unnecessary delays :)

1.5) St.Louis recieves the application, but will NOT, again it will NOT honour the SPOUCE-application & the fees.

1.6) St.Louis will reject the application saying WRONG FEES. The reason is, the BAR-CODED LETTER simply identifies how much fees that needs to be paid (in this case it is PRIMARY only).

1.7) When the bar-coded letter was generated (section 1.1) NVC didn't have any clue about the SPOUCE info.

1.8) Either the packet-3 will be sent-back to the ATTORNEY or to you. assuming you will re-send with correct-fees (as per the bar-coded letter)

2) what to do next, and how to include SPOUCE INFO.

2.1) Call NVC immediatley explain the situation "to have spouce included".

2.2) They will ask you to Send a copy of "MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE".

2.3) Get the name of the person(operator) you are talking to. Get the Fax number

2.4) include the "case number" & Attn-to, in the photo-copy of MarriageCertificate.

2.5) Call them back, and verify if they recd the FAX.

3) Just an FYI -- this may not be true for specific cases but

3.1) Internally, NVC will fwd the case to their problem-resolution department.

3.2) NVC will ask St.Louis to accept your case and send the "spouce info" without un-cashing the cheque. (note PRIMARY info was honoured by St.Louis)

3.3) NVC(problem resolution dept) will generate 'bar-coded letter for the spouce' and send it to St.Louis

3.4) St.Louis will cash-the-cheque for SPOUCE, and send the SPOUCE's packet-3 BACK TO NVC.

3.5) Problem-resolution dept, has done it's job. Both PRIMARY & SPOUCE info is added to the CASE

4) From here, the usual NVC review-process starts.

I went through these whole process myself (section 1,2,3,4). The cost of this confusion = interview delayed by 3 months

Good Luck.

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Very good naration....

Very good naration localMadras. Keep it up. This will defenitly help many cases who visit this forum.... Keep it up..
Re: If your wife's name was not included during I-140

Thanx for your detailed info...
But in my case both mine and my wife's check was cashed by STL.
But it has not reached NVC. ( i also had included the MC and BC of my wife and DS230 etc with the packet3)

Originally posted by localmadras
Hello NewChennai,

Info below is for your FYI.... Call NVC and explain the situation.

Audience - If your wife's name was not included during I-140, and if you opted for CP ...then (read below the process...)


1) If NVC doesn't have "SPOUCE" information before they generate the PACKET-3

1.1) the packet-3 will be generated only for PRIMARY, and the bar-coded letter will reflect "fees for primary only"

1.2) SPOUCE information will not be seen/entered into their System.

1.3) packet-3 will be sent to the PRIMARY's address.

1.4) USUALLY, you attach seperate applications for "yourself" and "spouce", and send it back to ST.LOUIS with DOUBLE THE FESS. ( If you catch the mistake as early as here, you will avoid unnecessary delays :)

1.5) St.Louis recieves the application, but will NOT, again it will NOT honour the SPOUCE-application & the fees.

1.6) St.Louis will reject the application saying WRONG FEES. The reason is, the BAR-CODED LETTER simply identifies how much fees that needs to be paid (in this case it is PRIMARY only).

1.7) When the bar-coded letter was generated (section 1.1) NVC didn't have any clue about the SPOUCE info.

1.8) Either the packet-3 will be sent-back to the ATTORNEY or to you. assuming you will re-send with correct-fees (as per the bar-coded letter)

2) what to do next, and how to include SPOUCE INFO.

2.1) Call NVC immediatley explain the situation "to have spouce included".

2.2) They will ask you to Send a copy of "MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE".

2.3) Get the name of the person(operator) you are talking to. Get the Fax number

2.4) include the "case number" & Attn-to, in the photo-copy of MarriageCertificate.

2.5) Call them back, and verify if they recd the FAX.

3) Just an FYI -- this may not be true for specific cases but

3.1) Internally, NVC will fwd the case to their problem-resolution department.

3.2) NVC will ask St.Louis to accept your case and send the "spouce info" without un-cashing the cheque. (note PRIMARY info was honoured by St.Louis)

3.3) NVC(problem resolution dept) will generate 'bar-coded letter for the spouce' and send it to St.Louis

3.4) St.Louis will cash-the-cheque for SPOUCE, and send the SPOUCE's packet-3 BACK TO NVC.

3.5) Problem-resolution dept, has done it's job. Both PRIMARY & SPOUCE info is added to the CASE

4) From here, the usual NVC review-process starts.

I went through these whole process myself (section 1,2,3,4). The cost of this confusion = interview delayed by 3 months

Good Luck.

Saradao & Bapa !!!

As from your reply I understand that regardless of letter G-28 from my lawyer they will send request for reconfirmation for my CP Am I right ? So first they will create my case # & then send this request . Do I need to talk with operator regarding this & my address change ?
Also I had mentioned my wife name in my I-140 . So I need to verify with NVC operator that they have created two packets for me i.e. one for me & another for my wife ?

Thanks for your help...


Originally posted by saradao

Letter is sent in some case even if G-28 is enclosed. I guess there should be some other criterian.....