Time between 2nd FP and IL


Registered Users (C)
Hi Guys,

Is there an avg time between doing 2nd FP and getting the IL.
I have seen timelines from 10 days to not getting IL at all.

Here are my details:
1st FP-05/07
2nd FP-12/20/08

I tried calling and asking CS but they dont let me through to IO.

any guesses?

Here is my time line. Did you tell the filed-for-30-day-and-no-NOA-letter story? If youu tell them you have filed a case for more than 30 days and haven't received any thing yet, they will transfer you to an IO.
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That means still some problem


I see that you got yours 15 days after the 2nd FP..I am on 24th day after 2nd FP..nothing yet..maybe I am from the waiting for months afer 2nd FP category..

you didnt get oath letter yet?

Thanks for the reply
No oath letter yet. That's sooo frustrating.:(

I know how frutsrating this is. Mine came in 2 weeks exactly after second FP. Typically it has been 2-3 weeks for many people in this area (St Paul DO).

Hope your's will come soon. Keep up the hope. All the best.
