Tijuana H1 stamping 1-94 question


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I am going to Tijuana for my H1 visa stamping on Oct 12. The I-94 stapled on the passport got expired and I have the new I-94 with my H1 extn(at the bottom of the I-797). I have read somewhere that, for the Visa interview, I need to have the top and bottom portion of the I-797. So, which I-94 I should surrender when I cross the border? The old one stappled on the passport or the one on the I-797. Any one knows? Thanks
You need to staple the I-94, the bottom-right portion of the I-797 approval notice to your passport. Please ensure this I-94 is submitted while emigrating the U.S. The remaining portion (top and bottom left) is required for visa stamping.
You need to staple the I-94, the bottom-right portion of the I-797 approval notice to your passport. Please ensure this I-94 is submitted while emigrating the U.S. The remaining portion (top and bottom left) is required for visa stamping.
Hi ManwithnoName
Thank you so much for the information.