Tijuana H1 Revaliadtion visit to Dubai


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I have an appointment scheduled in Tijuana in May for H1 revalidation. All documents are in great shape, so I am not concerned about that. 2 years ago (2005), on the way back from India, we had a layover in Dubai for 14 hours during which we were provided with hotel accommodation by Emirates. So we went out of the airport. I am wondering if this will trigger a security check. I have a print out of the itinerary just in case it helps. Any body else who has been in a similar case that has had visa revalidation done in Mexico (preferably Tijuana), please share your experience.

I have since then exited and reentered USA in 2006

Any advice is also appreciated.
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You should not have any problems because of a short stopover, especially since you have already been in & out of the US since.

Good luck.
I have an appointment scheduled in Tijuana in May for H1 revalidation. All documents are in great shape, so I am not concerned about that. 2 years ago (2005), on the way back from India, we had a layover in Dubai for 14 hours during which we were provided with hotel accommodation by Emirates. So we went out of the airport. I am wondering if this will trigger a security check. I have a print out of the itinerary just in case it helps. Any body else who has been in a similar case that has had visa revalidation done in Mexico (preferably Tijuana), please share your experience.

I have since then exited and reentered USA in 2006

Any advice is also appreciated.

Hi Praveeng78
I also have a similar problem. I took an appointment in Tijuana for 5th June. I had a 3 days stopover in Dubai 3 years back to visit my sister in law's family on my trip to India. Please post your experience here after your interview.
I have an appointment scheduled in Tijuana in May for H1 revalidation. All documents are in great shape, so I am not concerned about that. 2 years ago (2005), on the way back from India, we had a layover in Dubai for 14 hours during which we were provided with hotel accommodation by Emirates. So we went out of the airport. I am wondering if this will trigger a security check. I have a print out of the itinerary just in case it helps. Any body else who has been in a similar case that has had visa revalidation done in Mexico (preferably Tijuana), please share your experience.

I have since then exited and reentered USA in 2006

Any advice is also appreciated.

Hi Praveeng78
When is your interview?
I had my appointment last week. No questions were asked about the Dubai visit either at the consulate or at the border during I-94 issue.