tickets and naturalization ?


New Member
I have a question about tickets and how the affect application for citizenship, I have 5 traffic citation, three points total. I paid the fines and it is over. but how bad are they for my application. all of this citation occur within the last 2 years. should I wait more time before applying. I want to apply for my citizenship to join the Air Force as an officer I am college right now and do not really want to spend 700 dollars to have my application denied. :confused:
Are they just minor traffic tickets or like DUI/reckless driving?

If they are minor traffic tickets, there is nothing to worry about, just get court disposition documents from all the respective court.

If one or more tickets of DUI nature, then better consult an immigration attorney.
they are not DUI and confused with reckless driving because one is speeding 75 at 60 zone and another one is red light camera ticket "I know they are dangerous" but nothing in the tickets or court says reckless driving, it just says moving violation, and the points in the DMV are just as 1 per violation, it says that for reckless driving you get 2 points per violation. all of the violation were under 500 so the application says that I do not need to summit any paper work. can you tell my how to figure out if they are reckless driving?
they are not DUI and confused with reckless driving because one is speeding 75 at 60 zone and another one is red light camera ticket "I know they are dangerous" but nothing in the tickets or court says reckless driving, it just says moving violation, and the points in the DMV are just as 1 per violation, it says that for reckless driving you get 2 points per violation. all of the violation were under 500 so the application says that I do not need to summit any paper work. can you tell my how to figure out if they are reckless driving?

When you get a traffic citation, it should say what is the violation you made and legal code associated.
You should know if it is reckless driving in your citations or in DMV record.
All what you say, I think it is not related to reckless driving. Trust me if you get a reckless driving/DUI you would know it.
Oh thanks what a relieve, yeah no DUI for sure and in the tickets the violation codes do not say anything about reckless driving, One last question when you summit the paper work do they interview you and then make the decision or can they denied you with out even the interview?
Oh thanks what a relieve, yeah no DUI for sure and in the tickets the violation codes do not say anything about reckless driving, One last question when you summit the paper work do they interview you and then make the decision or can they denied you with out even the interview?
They can't deny you without first granting you an interview. However, they can return your application for incompleteness.