Thread for PCC from CG San Francisco


Registered Users (C)
Lets start a thread for peopple who have applied for PCC from CG in SFO.

I applied on Dec 27th. Talked to a Rep. the next day. She was rude to say the least. Of no help at all. She said "wait 30 days". Transferred me to an Officer, who was on a coffee break. I didn\'t elect to leave a voice mail.

Had Email exchange with the VC- His suggestion is to follow up the case through RPO in Bangalore, see if they can fax the consulate a No Objection Clearance. If yes, I will have to personally appear and collect the stamp on the passport.
If RPO doesn\'t oblige, need to go to Bangalore personally, mention the case and get clearance from them on the passport.

My interview is in Chennai, on Jan24th. Leaving SFO on Jan15th.
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I have also applied for pcc from SFO on 27th of dec.My interview is on 17th at chennai.I have taken a letter from VC stating that I have applied for pcc.I am going to take this letter to the rpo and request them for pcc.I hope this works.

WHat is the # for VC. I am just going to send the passport photocopy. Dont want to send the original at this time. Any advice. Do I have to go to SFO to collect it or will they send the stuff to ne w/o original. What is the number to call. They keep me perpetually engaged.
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his # is 415 668 0734.tell him this is to him very softly and explain the situation.he might give you the my case he said that you can take this letter as a proof that you have apllied
and since this is emergency you are asking them to issue here ie the the meanwhile try to take pcc from local police station so that they do not create problem for the period you have stayed here.
for applying the pcc at sfo
1 print the form from the site.
2 take the photocopy of the passports
3 3 passport photos are recq
4 11$ in cash per person and keep the exact change .

would you please post your PCC experience at RPO (I assume its B\'lore)
once you get to India and approach them?

 i am planning to send in my stuff to the consulate
can any one confirm if the following are enough

1. 3 copies of passport photo
2. 3 copies of personal proforma and misc forms
3. $11 money order
4. can i send a retrurn envelope (paid) for fed ex/airborne express?
sINCE i AM NOT SENDING IN THE ORIGINAL, I WOULD LIKE TO GO TO THE CONSULATE TO COLLECT IT. I am in Colorado and will have to go to CA to do this as I am afraid of sending my PP over the mail at this point of time. Should I include a cover letter to this effect?

Is that all I need for PCC.
San Francisco Indian consulate PCC Info

I just applied for my PCC at SF Indian consulate. The staff is not very friendly there. Here is what you need

3 copies of miscellaneous form
3 photos
Application form.
Passport copies
$ 11 per applicant (Cash is fine)

They like to see the original passport to ensure that the copies are valid. They do not keep the original passport with them. It takes 45 days to have the PCC ready. You have to call them after 40 days to find out if the PCC is ready. Once it is ready, you have to go with your original passport (to show your identity) to collect the PCC.

If you need any more information, please post a reply.
Ask SFO if you can show original PP anytime during the process.

NY Consulate agreed to see the original PP at any time during the process. They will mark the copy saying that they have verified your original PP. That way they need not wait for original and just send the PCC to your given address when ever it is ready. Preferably your friends\'s address or Indian Address. Since you will not be avialable at the time of pick up, you may be able to show the original prior to leaving. Find out. It is woking for NY. I need to find for Chiocago. Good Luck to all of us.
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yesterday I called the cons in chennai and told her that my appt is in jan and ps do clarify if I need pcc since it is very confusing and creating tensions.She said pcc is not recq.she told clearly that as of now there is no recq of pcc .

Do you know whether I can send a photocopy. I am not from California.
Can I send a photocopy of my passport and ask them to start the process for PCC.

I can go to SFO consulate when it is ready and then collect it. My interview will be in Feb/March. Do you know if this is possible. i DONT WANT my passport to be stuck with these guys for more than a month.
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there is no need to send the original .just send them the copy. why don\'t you talk to vc before doing this he is a very nice person.i will give you 2 more#s.415 668 0951 (pol &com) and 415 386 6274.just leave the message and they will get back to not send the original passport it is not my case i have just given them a copy.
SF COnsultae u can get PCC on 30th day

I talked to the Vice COnsul. They guarantee u PCC on 30th day after application, thats the law. However they cannot give u before that if they have not received clearnace from Regional Passport office in India from where the Passport was issued
Just got PCC in CGI San francisco for me.. It was cool

Took my original Passport to the Consulate and got the PCC next day as my passport was issued by the Consulate as well.

docs that I submitted :
Application (no photos as my PP was issued here)
original passport

They asked me to check back after 30 days for my wife\'s passport.
docs I gave for her :
Personal proforma form(3 copies with photo on each one)
copy of passport + original passport(just for proof)
Chnage in Fee schedule

I filled out 3 copies of personal proformal with 3 2" x 2" passport photographs.

1 Misc Form - fill it in caps (they say this specifically) or atleast very neatly. I used acrobat distiller.

$20 (for PCC after Jan 1st Take care. Info comes in pop up window) and $15 for overnight mail.

Photo copy of all pages of passport including I 94.

I plan to go to sf personally and then collect it after 30 days. I am ina different state and dont want to send PP over snail mail. I have a bad experience with NVC sending my P3 and my pkt stuck up at Virginia for Antrax decontamination.

I hope this helps.
Has anyone with Passports issued in India got their PCC yet?

If so, please post the date you applied and date you received PCC from SFO consulate. Is this 30 day rule really true? I mean has anyone actually experienced this?

Thanks in advance.