Thread for August,2001 left out


Registered Users (C)
hey guys I was just wondering if I am the only one left out from the month of August(RD-06 August,2001). With INS admitting that
now they are processing 15th August and beyond & so many September approval coming fast I am a little scared. Those who are in the same boat please respond with your RDs
reverse order

They process cases of each month roughly in reverse order. Be more patient and good luck.
RD AUg'01 ... Still waiting.. I am sure there are many of them. I think its a bit early to start this thread as August approvals are still coming.
RD AUG 20, 01
ND OCT 13, 01
FP MAR 26, 02
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Case transferred to Local INS office (HARTFORD) for Interview.
Please share the expereince.
RD 08/06/2001
Count me in please..RD is Aug 21. Tired of checking AVM. It keeps saying "On Jan 18 blah blah..."


RD Aug 27th
FP 7/13/2002

Yesterday FP results finally received and processing resumed...

I finally merged in the queue...