thread for 140 in TSC and 485 in CSC


Registered Users (C)
Are there any people out here waiting 485 approval from CSC but had their 140 done in TSC?

My 485 was filed in Apr 2001 and I am still waiting for the FP. I can write an essay on INS inefficiencies but thats not the purpose to starting this thread...just want to see if there are any more ppl out here with my situation.

140 approved in TSC, applied 485 in July to CSC. Got FP back in late October 2001. Hope you will got yours soon...
I am in too...

ND - 12/21/01 - On PCee\'s list. I know that Pump & Dee Rod also had their i140 from TSC
No Title

My 140 is from TSC. I rcently filed my 485 in CSC on Feb 05 2002. I got Fp notice on Feb 21 and Had my FP done on Feb 27.
kadkam, your FP notice is not dependant on...

receiving your A-file from the I140 processing center. So, your problem does not stem from applying I140 at a center different from the I485 center. Your problem is that you have not even received the FP notice. You need to get with IIO and see if you can get any help with your FP notice. Otherwise use faxing as a means to gain attention to your case. Unfortunately your case seems to have fallen thru the cracks.
Me too

My I-140 was approved from TSC and I applied i485 at CSC.
MD 2/18
ND 3/4
FP received 3/21
FP Scheduled 4/16
FP done 3/22 at Buena Park,CA.
