Those with RD Sept 15'01- Sept 30'01-Not yet approved

RD Sept 27

RD - 09/27/01
ND - 11/19/01
FP - End of Jan 2002

Called very nice Lady IIO last week, she said my case is already assigned to officer and should hear news very soon.

:confused: But nothing so far.....
Me too
RD September 21
ND November
They made me give my FPs again and did it on October 8th.
Till then the message was FPs received,pending review.
Now it says Processing resumed.
18 people here so far..

Where is the horizon ??
I wish to express my heartly congratulations to those who got approved recently, though i do not post in any of the approval threads 'cos there are so many of them.

When will our turn come ? Why is life so unfair ?:(
Lawyers Office assist(Rajiv Khanna) called...

IIO says they MIGHT issue an RFE she is not sure!!!!!. Does this mean, am I sure to get an RFE???????????
RORAN-MAN. How I understand it

when you say 'Will I ever get it?!'.

RD 09/27/01

PD 10/1997:eek:

Empire State/ EB3
Hi Folks, RD - ND group

Looking at this thread I observed that this batch falls into ND between 11/15 to 11/25. And there is another batch of RD 10/01 -10/05 Which also falls under the same ND i.e 11/15 to 11/25, So I think this particular group with the above ND's was stacked as November cases. I hope I am wrong, but lets wait and watch.

My details are:
RD 10/01/01
ND 11/19/01
Wait and see....

My case may be an example for contradiction to your analysis…
Neither RFE nor Approval… What can I say..
I hope to get my approval today, if not tomorrow. Hoping and waiting is fun?

Good luck to everyone
:D :D :D

RD 09/14/2001
ND 11/13/2001
FP 04/24/2001