Dubbies, I think you are missing the point here and probably do not understand the impulse of this post.
While it maybe true that DoS asked applicants to provide email they personally have access to, it was optional. Besides, not every applicant has an email address. Don't be too myopic about this.
Again, it is true that DoS asked applicants to check their status from May 1- June. You are are misinterpreting the statement "check from May -June". It simply means you can check your status anytime between May-June.
Once you checked your entry status and you are told that you were selected or not selected, there is no essence in keeping the confirmation numbers. It has now become important because DoS invalidated the results. If DoS had not voided the initial results, would you be talking about CN?
You claim that DoS stated they will communicate (not about notification letter) further with applicants selected via email. If that is the case, why are they sending emails because no one has been selected as far as we all know, and the email is about CN.
So in effect, DoS is not doing any favor by sending confirmation numbers-- they are rather exacerbating the situation and making it squishier and murkier for everyone.
Dubbies, the essence of this post is to find a solution to a potential problem--and not a dissenting opinion which offers no idea or advice.