This is unfair ......


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How come INS approves people with end of July receipt dates while there are a whole lot of people waiting with receipt dates before them like april/may/june and early july filers. Does the PD or RD or ND not count anymore. This is disgusting the way INS works. Why are people given PDs and RDs and NDs. This does not make any sense any more.

PS : I do not hold anything against end of July cases which have been approved. By the way congratulations to you guys. You are the lucky ones. Enjoy life. Hope its our turn now to get congratulations.

Anywhere all the work will not be done by a single person. It will be distributed to many. Some works fast and some work slow. The cases allotted to faster guys moves fast. And ofcourse every thing depends on our luck. Why blame INS....
No Title

This is definately not an explanation of unfairness. Because many earlier rd cases are not even assigned to officer yet! So there is no point saying some officers are fast and some are slow. VSC is totally messed up! Yes, it is very unfair!!!!
who told you life was fair?

Buddy it certainly isnt. when has INS processing ever made sense. No matter how many RD/ND or EAC or RFE theories evolve,they will still fail. It will be easier to obtain Coke\'s formula than to explain INS working.

Life aint great now but its much improved...
This world has never been fair since its creation

I cannot help saying you are so childish.
INS probably assigns individual or EAC date clusters sequentially, however, processing times vary

 Do you think all cases are equally uncomplicated? For those who think things are unfair, let us know on what basis INS is systematically discriminating. Are you telling me INS discriminates on the basis of RDs or EAC# eg1. \'all EACs between 260 and 270 will be held back because we dislike the numbers 260 and 270?\' Eg2 \'we prefer April-June filers over July as in July the weather was warm while April-June it was cold and we had a hard time getting into work and these guys remind us of the weather - after all we are in Vermont - not Texas\'. I wonder if you see my point here... How ridiculous this discrimination assertion sounds. Let\'s use some logic, everybody.
See I told you guys... more theories

I am not discouraging anyone from formulating theories.
It is very interesting to read. But I dont think they explain the situation very well.

I guess, people who are in the out-of-jurisdiction category may be assigned to IIO. Do you guys think this may be one of the possible reason? Just post your thoughts. I am not clear about this assumption.

One more thing may be depending on the number of filers in a month, some percentage of filers may get approved every month and a new month RD starts in the mid of every month. Possibility of INS going with this kind of formula approves cases from Jan to May or June in Feb, Jan to June or July in March, Jan to July or August in April, Jan to Aug or Sep in May etc..

Any thoughts?

I am going to this kind of assumption based on tha approval rate as follows which I came across in this forum:

By March 31st 2002: According to the postings in this forum:

Approvals in March 2002:

No. of yr2000 RD approvals in March : 12
No. of Jan 01 RD approvals in March : 2
No. of Feb 01 RD approvals in March : 4
No. of Mrch01 RD approvals in March : 9
No. of Aprl01 RD approvals in March : 14
No. of May 01 RD approvals in March : 14
No. of June01 RD approvals in March : 56
No. of July01 RD approvals in March : 72
No. of Aug 01 RD approvals in March : 2
No. of Sep 01 RD approvals in March : 1
Approvals pending in March 01 :
Approvals pending in April 01 : 22
Approvals pending in May 01 : 16
Approvals pending in June 01 : 16 to 39 (an assumption in posting)
Approvals pending in July 01 :179
Approvals pending in Aug 01 :226

So just came to assumption that, cases may get approved in a ratio.I don\'t know whether possible or not. But again just assumption.
u think that is unfair?

wot about their policy of kissing illegal immigrant butt to garner latino votes @ our expense?
Since when INS did things fairly

It is the most incompetent agency in the US. I have seen lesser red tapes in government in third world countries. May be its not to blame and it is being asked to do more then it is capable of. On the flip side, INS in the current slow state is another way to curtail immigration. May be that is why it always has budget problems.
GCFunWaiting, don\'t know.

Could be what u say. I still think the clear cut cases get processed quickly once assigned. INS needs more time when it sees for, eg,multiple employers, multiple country residence, out of norm skills, job breaks.
Just About There, sure, there is less immigration red tape in many countries - because its black and

 Attitude towards immigration is the country\'s prerogative - each country has its own rules and preferences - written and unwritten - towards \'legal\' and \'illegal\' immigration. And why not, every country should be cautious about who they are letting in. If I were a policy maker, my country\'s interest would be my first priority. Take it or leave it. There are 150-odd countries to consider if we want to migrate from our country.

 The point I\'m trying to make here is in many of the postings the attitude that comes across is the greencard is our birthright, that INS MUST give us the card and that permanent residence should be handed out just because we have landed in this country. INS is portrayed to be the \'bad guy\' - what about a significant number of immigrants who fudge data, abuse regulations and do anything to bend rules? Finally, while the immigration process does need improvement, we need to keep in mind in countries like the UK, they rarely grant permanent residence to anybody.

Hi esbee, I agree with your message but who told you U.K grants permanent residence rarely to anybod

My friend just got PR status in U.K with in a day. What he needs show is the proof for your 4 year legal residency in U.K that’s it. It is very easy, there is no Labor, no I-40, no EAD, no AP, no I-485, They don’t care who you work for and How may time you switch your employer.
To GC Fever

My understanding is you can\'t just work in the UK or permanently live there unless you are married to or the offspring of a UK citizen. How do you become a \'legal resident\' in the first place if you don\'t get a visa and a permit that allows you to work? Certain professions like docs etc have tough exams to clear. They don\'t just allow you to come in to work and then become a permanent resident as easily as they do here. I could be mistaken, though.
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I never said any thing about immigration policies for other countries, just the working of governmental offices. Is the immigration service of UK as slow as the INS?
Sorry guys I was only ....

expressing my frustration. When you are in a line and someone who comes later than you and stands right in front of you. Are you not going to get pissed off. Thats the feeling I have right now. It is just frustation. Thats all. I have nothing against INS or USA or those who got approved. I was only discussing about the order they were processing. I didnt use the word \'discriminate\'. Sorry to rake up this issue.

Have fun and enjoy waiting :) u know what i mean :)

Please cool down guys.

Bye now
I agree with bharat...

We all know GC is not our birth right....and nobody is saying for that. I think everybody here on this board knows how we all stick to a single job which hardly give you a good raise evry year and live like good "Citizens" (regular tax payers). And then one fine day there is a ruling that all the illegal people who have not been doing things which they were supposed to do get green cards. I think after doing everything in a legal manner we all deserve better treatment. and at that time it beomes our "Right"

You are not correct on this. I\'m British and have immigration
lawyer friends in the UK. It is far easier to get PR there (check the
UK govt. website) and they take 3 months to process cases.
There are major asylum related debates (as in the US) but for
most of us as work-based petitioners, the process would be far
faster and more straightforward.