This Bothers Me!


Registered Users (C)
I have to say something against some practices I have seen here. I have been pending my citizenship for over two years because of my background check. I, however see people on this site that are applying for citizenship but do not plan to reside in the US. This is frustrating for me to see. My question is, if you do not plan to remain in the US? Why are you holding up the process for the rest of us? We who have been pending a background check for x amount of years become frustrated when we see that you are getting through easily only to leave while we who plan to stay here are stuck. Maybe it's just me but that's how i feel.:(
Perhaps it's your name.....

You would be great to contribute to my thread and my question.

Dude, you've waiting for two years? Sucks to be you!! How did you take your US History/Civic test after your fingerprinting? Never heard of that!!? Usually tests are given only during interviews!! Hope you get your oath letter soon!
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Grow up man!
A million people apply for citizenship each year. Last month over 100,000 applications came in. So you see a few people on this board who don't plan to stay here and you want to turn against them? You need to stop pointing your finger at others and getting frustrated, and you will be a much happier person, in my opinion. Anyway, it is your life, live it the way you want to. Holding others responsible for one's situation does not help.

I have to say something against some practices I have seen here. I have been pending my citizenship for over two years because of my background check. I, however see people on this site that are applying for citizenship but do not plan to reside in the US. This is frustrating for me to see. My question is, if you do not plan to remain in the US? Why are you holding up the process for the rest of us? We who have been pending a background check for x amount of years become frustrated when we see that you are getting through easily only to leave while we who plan to stay here are stuck. Maybe it's just me but that's how i feel.:(
plus, they cannot live anywhere else, if they have only a green card without getting citizenship. not even in there home countries. and what it green card holders are married to non gc holders or non usc, they cant come to the US, so maybe they just want there citizenship on hopes of returning one day but would rather be with there family for the time being, seems to me the real reason yuo arent applying is cause you cannot afford it.
I am sorry about you case and you blaming others is understandable. But the other applicants are not causing your delay, it is your own name. Will this mean you disown your parents for this terrible name they gave you?
You are in a tough spot so you have reasons to be angry. All people have their own problems and just because one becomes USC does not mean they have no other constraints which may cause them to move abroad.
I do hope your case gets approved soon.
Name check timeframe criteria

Within a certain ethnicity or racial background, what determines how long the name check takes?
Do common names take longer than uncommon names?
I have to say something against some practices I have seen here. I have been pending my citizenship for over two years because of my background check. I, however see people on this site that are applying for citizenship but do not plan to reside in the US. This is frustrating for me to see. My question is, if you do not plan to remain in the US? Why are you holding up the process for the rest of us? We who have been pending a background check for x amount of years become frustrated when we see that you are getting through easily only to leave while we who plan to stay here are stuck. Maybe it's just me but that's how i feel.:(

I can understand you are frustrated but no need to turn against your fellow immigrants ...regardless of their plans after citizenship you know they have been through hoops along the way. They are entitled to make that choice.

You will get thru this eventually the meantime if you want to blame something blame the system. Good luck.
I uderstand how you feel frustrated one. A lot of people acquire citizenship to be used as a tool not necessarily because they feel attached to their new country.
And yes many are trying to exploit the system which in the long run will possibly make the process take longer and be harder to obtain. Enough people try and get around the residency issue, the next thing INS will crack down on that, including the ones that are just visiting other countries. So yes, enough people exploiting the system the more troublesome it will become in the future...