Things to do after getting citizenshiop

1) SSA change (they will change your status in their records from GC to Citizen)
2) Voter registration (Sec.of State office)
3) US Passport
4) New I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) to your employer
Do you have to inform DMV to update driver license record? I know it is not printed on the license but I don't remember if it was asked during application if you were US citizen or resident and may be cops get to see that when they stop you.

Just curious !!!
Partying hard could also be added to your list of things...I, there is nothing wrong in celebrating and ceasing the moments...

Also, you may write a blog about your whole immigration experience/journey from beginning to end. We have read here some very interesting, motivated and inspiring stories of immigrants who gave up so much to achieve their dream to be a part of this great nation.

For example, there was a story of a Turkish man who came to the US on a toruist visa to fulfill his lifelong dream of be a US citizen which he had been dreaming of ever since he was a little boy. After entering into the US, he immediately started working on his way up by joining Aeroplane flying school so that he could serve in the US Army as a flying commander. Unfortunately, he was one of hundreds of immigrants who were picked up (arrested/detained) by FBI and INS right after the incident of 9/11 because-(1) he was illegal in this country at that time as his tourist visa had expired; (2) he was attending aeroplane flying school like most of 9/11 hijackers attended; (3) He was from a country which is predominately a Muslim country even though he was a Christian.

He was placed on a deportation proceeding in front of immigration judge when FBI didn't find anything on him which could link him to 9/11 incident. He was released on bond and got married while he was in a removal proceeding. Immigration Judge approved his green card application after scrutinizing him and his marital relationship. He stayed married and finished the classes with the flying school, joined the US Army and was stationed many places within the US. After two year later he filed an application with INS to remove the condition on his temporary green card wherein INS gave him hell of the hard time by delaying his application for so long. He sought out the help from every possible way he could have thought of. Finally INS removed the condition on his temporary green card.

Meanwhile, he served in Korea and other countries as a US army personnel. When the time came for him to apply for US citizenship, he thought it would be easy for him according to the Excutive Order President Bush signed in 2002 for Army personnel. But no, he had to fight with INS again and it took him more than a year again to have done with his citizenship process despite of INS claim of processing Military based applications on priority basis. Finally he achieved what he was dreaming all along since he was a little boy. Every single encounter of him with US govt. was a battle for him like-at the time of obtaining tourist visa, temporary green card, removing the condion of his temporary green card and naturalization process. It wasn't smooth ride for him as it has been for many of immigrants.

He is now a Lt. Commander in US Army and happily married man. He recently posted his naturalization experiences over this forum but he didn't know that I know all about him from some other immigration forums wherein I helped him for many years during his ordeal. I am very happy for him and his family. He is a living proof of American dream and a real survivor. One cannot be a true American by just a piece of paper, rather it takes a lot to be a real American. His devotion to his cause and this nation is much appreciated. I'm not saying that your story would be as touchy (fancy) as his, but every story is important and meaningful as we are all in this together. Besides, one can never say of how and when their story could motivate and inspire others...

Always rememeber, dreams do come true so long we believe in them....

God Bless you. And God Bless America.

America still remains the beacon for freedom and opportunity. Leave it or take it....
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Can you post a link to his experience? Or give us his user name so that we can look him up?

Thanks in advance.
Out of curiosity, how did you get from enlisted to Lt. Commander (isn't that a naval rank?)?

Are you flying for the military?
A great story, reaffirming that a mere rejection from INS is not the end of the world. There is still hope that you need to pursue..

btw, It's not your story is it?

Take Care,

No, it's NOT my story. And even if it were to be mine, I wouldn't feel ashamed to be called immigrant with such accomplishments. I'm a natural born US citizen to immigrant parents. I also practiced US immigration and Matrimonial laws (NJ and NY) before.

Rather than focusing on the subjective matter, it's shame that people try to judge others or assume something based upon some typo or other errors. We all make typo mistakes at times. I type very fast and don't even look at screen while typing as most of times I do other things as well while typing over here like watching tv.

The hero of the above-said story is-Bushmaster. He goes by the same name on other immigration websites as well. Recently he posted many pictures of him with his wife over this forum after he was thru with citizenship process. Go and check all of his postings over here and other sites as well. Many of his postings are gone from other forum because moderator deleted the whole threads after seeing nonsense/heated arguments by many people with him or with each other on those threads. So, it could be possible that you might not find all of his story over there. Plus, it could be possible that I don't know more or full details of his case as I've dealt with thousands of people over the years while being on 3 immigration sites and his story goes many years back. This is the link to his latest posting on this board-
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4) New I-9 (Employment Eligibility Verification) to your employer

Depending on who your employer is, new I-9 may not be required. Most of the employers only ask for new I-9 when employment eligibility change. Since permanent resident to US Citizen does not impact large majority of employment eligibility (with the exception of very few cases), most of the employers would not need you to fill out another I-9 form. I specifically asked our HR department and they categorically said that I don't have to submit a new I-9 form as my employment eligibility was "unrestricted" because of permanent resident status on the existing I-9 form.
Do you have to inform DMV to update driver license record? I know it is not printed on the license but I don't remember if it was asked during application if you were US citizen or resident and may be cops get to see that when they stop you.

No, not required.
No, it's NOT my story. And even if it were to be mine, I wouldn't feel ashamed to be called immigrant with such accomplishments. I'm a natural born US citizen to immigrant parents. I also practiced US immigration and Matrimonial laws (NJ and NY) before.

Rather than focusing on the subjective matter, it's shame that people try to judge others or assume something based upon some typo or other errors. We all make typo mistakes at times. I type very fast and don't even look at screen while typing as most of times I do other things as well while typing over here like watching tv.

The hero of the above-said story is-Bushmaster. He goes by the same name on other immigration websites as well. Recently he posted many pictures of him with his wife over this forum after he was thru with citizenship process. Go and check all of his postings over here and other sites as well. Many of his postings are gone from other forum because moderator deleted the whole threads after seeing nonsense/heated arguments by many people with him or with each other on those threads. So, it could be possible that you might not find all of his story over there. Plus, it could be possible that I don't know more or full details of his case as I've dealt with thousands of people over the years while being on 3 immigration sites and his story goes many years back. This is the link to his latest posting on this board-

If I am right after reading his posts - Someone who came here on tourist visa (intending to stay here permanently) and overstayed illegally breaking the immigration laws is not a hero. And by golly he so quickly found himself a woman while in custody of immigration authorities and got married and after marriage even changed his religion from islam to christianity and became a christian . Miracle! Please give all the facts.
You are so full of it.

Respectfully yours.
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Fighting for the freedom especially by illegal immigrants (or even by legal immigrants for that matter) for this country is something very unique and special at least in my views because not many immigrants willing to give their lives for this country soon after arriving here. Thus, I totally dismissed what the above said person had done to obtain LPR in the US. As a matter of fact, even President Bush signed an Executive Order in 2002-03 which allows to grant US citizenship to every illegal who serves and has served in the US Army without the need of obtaining LPR first, which is called-Silent Amnesty.

And President Regan also offered Amnesty to 4 millions illegal and law breaker people in 1986 as President Regan showed compassionate for their cause for whatever reason. No need me to remind you that we (as a nation) forgive an alien's overstaying if s/he married to a US citizen and allow this alien to adjust status here. We allow so many waivers as well for all kind of immigration violations, which is also a forgiveness. Thus, we do forgive aliens all the times. We (Americans) and this nation don't want to ignore especially those who are willing to give their lives for this nation. As to how illegal people get into Army then I've no idea on that, but I do know some illegal people who did serve in the Army and deployed to Iraq during the war with Iraq. So, the pledge of this person in question to give his life for this nation makes him a hero in my eyes, regardless of what wrong he did to obtain a LPR, whether you like it or not.

Further, I didn't say that he should be a hero in everyone's eyes; rather I was talking earlier about him being a hero in my eyes. You have the right/choice to disagree with anyone's views if you like to, but disrespecting others and using faulty languages prove your background/mentality and immaturity which I don't get involve with. If you keep continue using this kind of languages just because you disagree with someone's opinions then I would make you banned from this forum, nor only under this ID but also any other future ID you will use on this forum. We have stopped many people like yourself over the years because this board doesn't appreciate someone who violates the terms of their membership with this board. We are here to help each other and share our views in a respectable and matured way since we are adult.
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For what it's worth, All I did for my employer was send the legal department (which has immigration responsiblities) an email saying "I took the oath of naturalization on XXX, 2006 and I'm now a US citizen". I copied my boss on the email as well.
Fighting for the freedom especially by illegal immigrants (or even by legal immigrants for that matter) for this country is something very unique and special at least in my views because not many immigrants willing to give their lives for this country soon after arriving here. Thus, I totally dismissed what the above said person had done to obtain LPR in the US. As a matter of fact, even President Bush signed an Executive Order in 2002-03 which allows to grant US citizenship to every illegal who serves and has served in the US Army without the need of obtaining LPR first, which is called-Silent Amnesty.

And President Regan also offered Amnesty to 4 millions illegal and law breaker people in 1986 as President Regan showed compassionate for their cause for whatever reason. No need me to remind you that we (as a nation) forgive an alien's overstaying if s/he married to a US citizen and allow this alien to adjust status here. We allow so many waivers as well for all kind of immigration violations, which is also a forgiveness. Thus, we do forgive aliens all the times. We (Americans) and this nation don't want to ignore especially those who are willing to give their lives for this nation. As to how illegal people get into Army then I've no idea on that, but I do know some illegal people who did serve in the Army and deployed to Iraq during the war with Iraq. So, the pledge of this person in question to give his life for this nation makes him a hero in my eyes, regardless of what wrong he did to obtain a LPR, whether you like it or not.

Further, I didn't say that he should be a hero in everyone's eyes; rather I was talking earlier about him being a hero in my eyes. You have the right/choice to disagree with anyone's views if you like to, but disrespecting others and using faulty languages prove your background/mentality and immaturity which I don't get involve with. If you keep continue using this kind of languages just because you disagree with someone's opinions then I would make you banned from this forum, nor only under this ID but also any other future ID you will use on this forum. We have stopped many people like yourself over the years because this board doesn't appreciate someone who violates the terms of their membership with this board. We are here to help each other and share our views in a respectable and matured way since we are adult.

Using cunning and fancy words to mislead would not change facts. I think people like you who support law breakers should be banned. I will have you banned under this name or any name you come here.
Do people know if they were really 4 million or 3 million illegals that were given amnesty? or more? I read a report that said out of those illegals every 3 person had given false documents to obtain their green card. But this man here would not tell you that. why?
Does any one know that those illegals jumped in line ahead of those people who followed the laws and were waiting for their green cards in line for years.? I mean years. I know quite a few of them who had been waiting in line and then after those illegals ( 33 percent of whom had given fake documents) jumped ahead of them, those people who followed laws and waited in line for years were pushed back an average of 13 years. This man here won't tell you all these INCONVIENIENT FACTS.


Your attempts to mislead and pull wool over people eyes won't wash here on this forum. Do you mean to tell us that people who have intentionally broken laws and are using fake ids and doing all sort of illegal things to stay in this country deserve to be given citizenship?

Just keep on misleading like "that turkish man is a lt. commander where as he is an aircraft mechanic if I am right after reading his post and he converted from islam to christianity only after his marriage to an american citizen etc.)

People all these illegals will get head of you guys in the lines . You who have followed the laws and been waiting for years for your green card. People who have worked for years legallyon their H1-B and others like it happened in 1986. This person here will not you that using his wishy washy language. These illegals are finding the loopholes and getting ahead. While you who has followed the system will be left behind. Hey man, stop this crocodile tear wording about you having some sort of attachment with illegals who are like you say getting citizenship by getting in the militiary.

But tell us how in good god's name the militiary has hired illegals? I thought they don't do that. I thought they only hire green cardholders and citizens? Or is this one more of your misleading stuff? How long will you keep on doing this?


Will you be willing to support a policy whereby every illegal will have to serve in iraq for atleast 2 years before they are granted green cards? I will second you for that. I want to see how many of them will want to do that. How is that for a fair shake?:rolleyes:
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I would say both of you calm down take a deep breath and try to find some common ground ;) I know a lot of people who follow the legal path get very annoyed about the undocumented immigrants. Some people for whatever reason don't have a straight line to legalization, but eventually get it, and it should be respectable. I don't know percentages, but many immigrants or sons of immigrants from hispanic origin join the army and fight in Iraq or Afghanistan, many or most let's say without needing this to solve their immigration situation. I know that on the face of it, this marrying, changing religion, might seem just a desperate attempt to hold onto a chance to stay on the U.S. against all hope. I am not the one to judge his actions, but I would say that joining the army in whatever role seems to be a positive action towards showing his attachment to this country. Anyway, we cannot reach into his heart or anybody's heart so let's try to keep the conversation civil and let's hope that the laws of this country change in a way that make legal immigration easier, discouraging undocumented immigration as much as possible. Perhaps one wild idea would be to speed up qualified immigrants, while at least giving some hope to less qualified immigrants that they can get a visa after waiting in line a number of years. Perhaps by that time they have moved on in their lives and don't need to come to the U.S. so strongly. However, perhaps this wouldn't be so good to the U.S. economy if immigrants (legal, undocumented alike) stop coming. It is a tough trade off/balancing game.

My 2 cents.
Yeah I am all for legal immgration but not someone who takes advantage of the system and pushes the legals behind in the lines. that is what they are doing. that is what they did in 1986 that he convieniently omits. Also he says president bush allowed illegals who were in the militiary a fast path to citizenship. That is a lie. Actually he allowed the legal permanent residents not the illegals that he mentions. Watch CNN - as they are unbiased about this.
Every day on tv they show these people running over the border like thieves. Then they are demonstrating with mexican flags. What taxes are they going to pay? they don't make much money. Most of what they make they send back to mexico and central american countries or wherever they come from. Like in 1986, they are going to overload the immigration system again. It is a free ride every 20 years. They are screwing the system and the people waiting in lines who have followed all laws and are here legally. I have no respect for these kind of people.
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No, it's NOT my story. And even if it were to be mine, I wouldn't feel ashamed to be called immigrant with such accomplishments. I'm a natural born US citizen to immigrant parents. I also practiced US immigration and Matrimonial laws (NJ and NY) before.

I apologize if I accidently created an issue out of nothing. My intention was not that. My intention was only to appreciate you for bringing such a good story in light. The last comment was just .... a joke rather. I really appreciate all your help and comments you have on this board.

Thanks & Regards,