things to do after approval??


Registered Users (C)

Can someone shed some light on the things needed to be done after the Approval.
I heard from someone that you need to file some form with the employer
and also change your ssn card.
Any advice appreciated.

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(1) Update your record with SSA and get a new SSN card
(2) Update your I-9 with your employer
(3) Register with Selective Service
(4) Update your record with embassy of your home country
    if required by laws.
(5) Update with your state\'s DMV if law required
(6) Tell your landlord
Questions to American Wannabe


I was reading this discussion and read your answers.I have some more questions , I will appreciate if you can reply to them.

1)Why do we need to update the record with SSA.In My case Me and my wife both were on H1B before and our SSCards have the stamp of valid for employment.However my son don\'t doesn\'t have SSN , so maybe we need to get one for him??

2)What is this I9 form and whats is the purpose of updating this form.

3)What is selective service and how does register with selective service ?

4)Why do we need to inform the landlord??

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Sorry for the confusion. Updating with the landlord is intended
as a joke, but at the apartment complex where I live, many
newly arrived aliens did put down immigration paper as their
ID because they had nothing else. The rental office made
photocopies of visas. Maybe oneday some people there suddenly
will get the impulse and report to the INS if updating is not
done in time.
Thanks for your reply. One more question

Hi JoeF,

Do we need to register with selective service if we are above 26 years of Age? Is this compulsory? What are possible problems if we dont register?

No Title

You do not need to register if you are above 26.
I tried to register but got a reply letter.
The letter said that they could not register me
because I was beyond teh age limit and told me
how to explain if I run into civil troubles
caused by failure to register when young.
Why SSA?

AmericanWannabe, why update the SSA? The social security card one has when under H1, would state FOR WORK WITH INS AUTHORIZATION only. I don\'t think it will change after getting the GC, will it? Please clarify.
New SS Card

It will show only your name and number, no other text. The same as US citizen have.
Selective Service

I called the Selective Service and this is what I believe from them.

If you were/are residing in the US between the ages 18 & 26 then you have to check their web site to see under which criteria you could be excluded from registering. For eg, if after I485, you were in parole status and no longer have H1-B Visa, and you are/were still under 26, and if you had not registered, then you may face problems in the future like citizenship being denied which could also lead to re-entry denial into US if you stayed out of US too long.

I was specifically told then when applying for citizenship or any benefits, I would have to provide documentary proof that I was not required to register.

A green card holder who is under 26 must register.
Should you update the DMV record if you live in CA?

Should you update the DMV record if you live in CA?
No Title

>Register If you\'re a male U.S. citizen, age 18 through 25

Wrong. All males in the USA within that age group should
register with some exemptions for those who are already
in the military (active or reserve), or non-immigrant visa
holders, etc.

Even illgegal immigrants have to register SS as required
by law.
Here is more about Selective Service

Here is what posted at the official web site:

Almost all male U.S. citizens regardless of where they live, and male immigrant aliens residing in the U.S., are required to be registered with Selective Service if they are at least 18 years old but are not yet 26 years old. Men who are 26 years old and older are too old to register.

What is the penalty for not registering?
If you do not register, you could be prosecuted and fined up to $250,000 and/or be put in jail for up to five years. Registration is also a requirement to qualify for Federal student aid, job training benefits, and most Federal employment.
(See also What Happens if I Don\'t Register?).
Forget to register in selective service, please help

My husband is a Green card holder and he applied for US citizenship. Last week he called for interview in Charlotte office, but the INS officer did not approve his application because he did not register in the selective service. The Officer wanted a letter from him explaning the reasons of not registering in SS. Can anyone help me to write the good letter with valid reasons?

When he got the form from Selective service he was very new in US and he did not know that he have to register. Now he is over 26.

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If you have passed your 26th birthday and are now being denied eligibility for Federal student financial aid, Federal job training, or Federal employment, or are having difficulty obtaining U.S. citizenship because you failed to register, you have the the following recourse available to you: Explain to the official handling your case (for example, a student financial aid officer) the reasons for your failure to register with Selective Service. A non-registrant may not be denied any benefit if he can "show by a preponderance of evidence" that his failure to register was not knowing and willful. Offer as much evidence supporting your case, and as much detail, as possible.
