There would be delays


It is not so much the original post as the responses to it that have been tickling my funny bone. I am sorry that you don't find it funny. This is probably the result of the interminable wait that INS puts us through. It gets at you insidiously!

Originally posted by neeru
perhaps a 'failed satire' - for me anyway. If you laughed at this, more power to you...
Oh Tasse - you're funny - as for the rest of you - if you didn't realize that Tasse was pulling the piss out of you straight away - you have a problem

either you're just too damn serious and gullible or you're a hurricaine mitch green card candidate and not an EB one
- the usa cannot seriously be granting EB green cards to people who are that dumb !!!!
Agree, lindaMac :)

Tasse did leave another big clue too: "delay in responding to inquiries..."

However seems kinda unfair to people who have not been exposed to Tasse's brand of humor, what? ;)
Originally posted by lindaMac
....Tasse was pulling the piss out of you ...the usa cannot seriously be granting EB green cards to people who are that dumb !!!!

I am sure Tasse has a perfectly sane reason for drawing "piss out" of 485 applicants. May be you deserve commendation for your ability to see it, or perhaps smell it! Now, the grant of EB green cards may be subject to serveral criteria, but I can assure you, intellect is not one of them.

Good one! I don't know if you posted the following with the intention to be funny, but I found it hilarious! :) Well said though!

Waiting for LindaMac to come back with a rejoinder.

Originally posted by nov2k
Now, the grant of EB green cards may be subject to serveral criteria, but I can assure you, intellect is not one of them.
Tasse's perfectly sane reason is called "humour" in my country - I guess that's "humor" in the webster's - same meaning though - I had a good laugh and I gather several others did too - of course - sense of humor doesn't seem to be one of the requirements for EB green card either - though some people might look into how to acquire one because it sure helps to deal with this waiting we are all going through !! Thanks Tasse
Linda Didi

There is a fine line between humour and rumour. If you run thru the replies, most people (who cared to respond) took the info at its face value.

I know who laughed the loudest at all this - Tasse!!
oh! now we are denying the fact that we got fooled are we neeru...:D :D :D

Originally posted by neeru
Linda Didi

There is a fine line between humour and rumour. If you run thru the replies, most people (who cared to respond) took the info at its face value.

I know who laughed the loudest at all this - Tasse!!
Originally posted by Tasse
CSC (California Service Center) announced that until June 30, 2004, there would be delays in responding to inquiries on Forms I-140, concurrently filed I-140/I-485s and I-485 cases with previously approved I-140s. The CSC is temporarily directing its resources into issuing driver licenses for illegal immigrants

You know - there are days when I think going illegal and waiting for a benevelant democratic government in california or at DC would be a huge step forward than trying to walk the tightrope that is the 'employment based immigration process'

the real difference is clout. there are 15 million illegals in the country. lots of people on their side. there some 1-2M people stuck in 485.
Now this topic is wearing thin, after watching the repartee going on had hopes for this thread.

Neeru if you cannot yet admit that you were taken in by an official looking statement with STRONG undertones on SPAM I quote

The CSC is temporarily directing its resources into issuing driver licenses for illegal immigrants

Then I am sorry but this thread seems to have died.

To summarize:

Sport Pronunciation Key (spôrt, sprt)

a. One known for the manner of one's acceptance of rules, especially of a game, or of a difficult situation: a poor sport.
b. Informal. One who accepts rules or difficult situations well

Can we lock down this thread and call an end to any further posts?
It was dying until you picked it up.

Why dont you read my posts again and try to see the point. I am not worried about being "taken in". In my list of priorities guess what number "not being taken for a ride as an anonymous poster by another anonymous poster" would fall.

My last post on this subject.
Could fall on number 1 priority. who know.

Originally posted by neeru
It was dying until you picked it up.

Why dont you read my posts again and try to see the point. I am not worried about being "taken in". In my list of priorities guess what number "not being taken for a ride as an anonymous poster by another anonymous poster" would fall.

My last post on this subject.