The RIR cases pushed to TR


Registered Users (C)
Hi, I would like to start a thread with unlucky guys whose cases were RIR but be pushed to TR by PBEC. We can share information and ideas.

Below is my case's information

PD Jan 27 2003
45 day received Sept 2005
Replied 45 day letter Sept 2005

I got an screenshot at June, 2006, which showed TR instead of RIR. And I called 202 number this month and was confirmed that my case is TR now.

My fxxx lawyer is really a lazy person. I could not get anything from her!

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Another case pushed from RIR to TR

Currently the lawyer is rebutting /appealing for changing the case from TR to RIR. My case was denied in the RIR category with an NOF. I will let this forum know what happens, as and when I find out.

It is a very tough situation to be in. I have been waiting for almost 4 years to find out that my RIR application has been denied. And now, not knowing what will happen in even worse.

Anyway...Good luck to everyone.
waitingforCALC, What kind of notice did you get?


I did not get the formal notice for that yet. Just wondering what kind of notice did you get? And did they give you nay reason to be pushed to TR?

Good luck!

waitingforCALC said:
Currently the lawyer is rebutting /appealing for changing the case from TR to RIR. My case was denied in the RIR category with an NOF. I will let this forum know what happens, as and when I find out.

It is a very tough situation to be in. I have been waiting for almost 4 years to find out that my RIR application has been denied. And now, not knowing what will happen in even worse.

Anyway...Good luck to everyone.
pushed to TR

The reason they gave me is the standard answer...according to them my RIR application was denied “because the labor market information in the area of intended employment indicates that there are available U.S. workers.” My company and Lawyer are rebutting the case...lets see what happens.

fangf said:

I did not get the formal notice for that yet. Just wondering what kind of notice did you get? And did they give you nay reason to be pushed to TR?

Good luck!
count me in

My case was also transfered from RIR to TR with the same reason. My employer & attorney told me that they cant do anything more on this & I have to wait. :(
waitingforCALC said:
The reason they gave me is the standard answer...according to them my RIR application was denied “because the labor market information in the area of intended employment indicates that there are available U.S. workers.” My company and Lawyer are rebutting the case...lets see what happens.
The same is for my case

My case was transfered to TR on Feb. 6, 2006. Neither my employer or my fXXX attorney received NOF. We found out by calling 202 number, and we wrote a letter to PBEC to ask the reason and have not got anything back yet.

My case details:
PD: 02/07/2002
State: MD
EB3 :(
Any approvals after rebutting RIR denied Cases

Have any of the readers seen any approvals after rebutting cases where RIR has been denied. My case was appealed earlier this month. My lawyer has received an acknowledgement that PBEC has received the paper work. I have not received any news after that. We are in the waiting zone.

Has any one seen any approvals in this category. I have seen approvals for other types of NOF's but not in the "RIR denied" category. Please let me know...


How do i check if my case has been pushed from RIR to TR


My LCA is at the PBEC (PD Dec03).

A few months ago, i had checked the ATLANTA regional database (flcdatacenter) and my case showed as TR. My lawyer filed it as RIR and says that they recieved that my case was approved from the state dol as RIR. So per him this has to be a typo in the regional database. I am not sure now if my case is RIR/TR at the PBEC. My lawyer also sent an email to PBEC to check this, but didnt get any reply.

Should i be concerned about this typo or error in the atlanta region database. Is there a way i (or my employer) can get this verified (and corrected if needed to RIR) at the PBEC?

Case correctly classified as RIR

Please ignore my earlier post. I just got a screenshot from PBEC and it shows my case correctly as RIR. I think this clears any of my suspicions. And Apparently the Atlanta regional database was wrong.