The plot thickens


Registered Users (C)
Just got a response back from the local congressman's office. According to her my "files have been with an officer for sometime". In her last e-mail dated Feb 4, she had said "it is still sitting waiting for final approval by an officer", though I had misread it to reach the conclusion that my file was still waiting to be assigned to an officer.

From this it seems that the files have been with the officer for at least a few weeks. Don't know if I should look at the glass as being half full or half empty.


(RD: 9/13/2001, ND 10/16/2001, no RFEs yet)

I read somewhere in this forum that each adjudications officer's desk is buried in paperwork that is about elbow deep. After having to read this, it maybe that your paperwork is on the officer's desk but it's buried in his/her stack of paper.

Hang in there, your turn will come.


i have the same news from my end. congressman's office called me to say that my file is with an adjudicating officer as of feb 9th, and if i don't hear anything by the end of this month, to get back to her. they (ie, CIS) also purportedly mentioned that i should hear something in the next week or two. conflicting, ain't it?

my RD is 04/04 and ND late 04/2002 (i don't remember the exact date, but it's in april).

any idea how long this ordeal typically takes?
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