The participation rate is much lower


Registered Users (C)
after the new board. We must lost a lot of people or people are
lazy to use this new board. Too bad.

There is no approval in the past few days...

Please partipicate as we did before!!
You are right!

Not that many post anymore....

Too bad! Just when it is getting interesting for me... :)

Or is b'cos most of the user's I-485 has been approved, so they are not participating any more.

Just a thought
come back friends

Not all the users are transferred. You need to contact monica for reentry. Probabaly this process is keeping our friends away. The earlier site appeared more friendly than this. Some are also feeling that the old site is not working and not taking pains to check on

This site gives us the releif that we are not alone. Earlier I used to feel that I am alone suffering. But when I started coming to the site I feel good that my problems are tiny compared to some others. Thanks to Rajiv Khanna