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The limit of case numbers


Registered Users (C)

I've seen in the forum that some people from Africa are getting Case numbers for the dv2010 even higher what I had seen with prvious selectees.

Were there anyone in the previous lotteries having a CN above 70000?

Thank you.
Don't know, but I got selected this time and my number is above 70,000. I've decided to wait and see what happens before I send anything back to KCC. But yeah, I'm also curious to know if any previous selectees had such high numbers
الاخ مامون
تحية طيبة
توقع ان تكون معاينتك في شهر 9 العام القادم انا الكيس نمبر بتاعي 72000
Akhi zagwa, berak Allah fik wa inchAllah tkoun current 7ata kabel chahr 9 :)

Il mochkel il wahid ili m5awwefni issanedi ino fi notifications online, ya3ni fi ktir nes 7atetzed...

3ala Allah
i too received a higher case number .mycase number is 2010AF00084000.
iwonderwhether i will have a chance?
Yea, Mine is AF00084** - got the letter and checked online - everything seems fine currently... just waiting to see if im selected for an interview... Ive gone through South Africa ( Born in Zimbabwe ) living in England
Yea, Mine is AF00084** - got the letter and checked online - everything seems fine currently... just waiting to see if im selected for an interview... Ive gone through South Africa ( Born in Zimbabwe ) living in England

hey !!!

84** or 84*** ?
Don't know, but I got selected this time and my number is above 70,000. I've decided to wait and see what happens before I send anything back to KCC. But yeah, I'm also curious to know if any previous selectees had such high numbers

based on dv2009, everyone will be interviewed...
based on dv2009, everyone will be interviewed...

It certainly looks that way, but since I'll be doing AOS, it probably wouldn't be completed by the deadline of Sept 31 :( I can't do CP because I can't take the time off from school.