The light at the end of the tunnel is NOT a train!!!


Fantastic! My processing dates are almost identical to your's. I hope I get approved before the snow melts.

Go Pats.

RD 12/18/01
RFE 07/03/03
FP2 10/04/03

I'd advise you get in touch with a Congressman/Senator. Your case too may just be waiting for the final "push" Good luck!
Re: ticktock

I am also in the same boat.
Do you know any senators/congressmen in Bergen county NJ?
I submitted my request to senator Corzine thro his website, but no reply.

Try Sen. Lautenberg. I used his office. The guy responsible for inquiries is very responsive. Desi, too :D
I called the Senator's office up directly and asked for help . I was put in touch with this person. Since this is a Senator's office, try to sound calm, collected and polite. I'm sure it will help.
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Re: mdh

I called them yesterday. I didn't get a desi guy. Receptionist said she will send a form that I have to mail back with info and after that I think they will proceed. Do you know the guy's name? If I get that I will directly ask for his name.
Thanks again.