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The Green Card lotto is a Scam


Registered Users (C)
Think about it, theres no way the US Government is going to let 50 000 citizens be chosen by a random computer program.

It will be carefully looked at and only the best / richest/ smartest will be chosen.

I'd be willing to bet if I an ordinary student entered for the next 20 years I'd lose every time but if a multi millionaire doctor who can cure cancer enters he'll magically get in.

Any thoughts to this? It seems all the people who have won or winning so far are way better off than I am.
Do yourself (and us) a favor: MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE!
Btw: From what I know there were close to 10million people who entered DV-2009, and 100'000 are selected. So if you aren't selected (btw. not all the NLs have been sent) that doesn't mean that "you're not good enough". I know at least two people who won the lottery who aren't rich and don't have a very good education. So stop whining.
Here you are, born in first world country (Australia), with access to second passport (UK) which gives you also access to the entire Euro zone. And all you can do is complain that the US govt is a scam and that you should win the lottery. Well considering that the US places restrictions on DV winners such as minimum level of education and also financial support, then yes, of course someone who is destitutely poor is not going to get here. And do you think other countries will let them in?

Even if it was a scam, the US govt doesn't owe you anything.

You are likely "way better off" than about 98% of the world's population right now, living in Australia, so think about that.
It's a chance anyway ! ... and even after loss , you may learn something new ...

So try to see the incident positively ;)
Think about it, theres no way the US Government is going to let 50 000 citizens be chosen by a random computer program.

It will be carefully looked at and only the best / richest/ smartest will be chosen.

I'd be willing to bet if I an ordinary student entered for the next 20 years I'd lose every time but if a multi millionaire doctor who can cure cancer enters he'll magically get in.

Any thoughts to this? It seems all the people who have won or winning so far are way better off than I am.

That's nonsense, there are lots of people who've won the lottery who are not well off.
The only thing that is a scam is the "The Secret", "The Silva Method" or whatever other "positive thinking", wishful thinking based technique you must have used to convince your self that you will definitely win the lottery.
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Think about it, theres no way the US Government is going to let 50 000 citizens be chosen by a random computer program.

It will be carefully looked at and only the best / richest/ smartest will be chosen.

I'd be willing to bet if I an ordinary student entered for the next 20 years I'd lose every time but if a multi millionaire doctor who can cure cancer enters he'll magically get in.

Any thoughts to this? It seems all the people who have won or winning so far are way better off than I am.

stop living in a fool's paradise!!!

The only thisng i can say is be optimistic and if you really want to win from buttom of your heart you will be a winner one day, you just need to have patience.
Think about it, theres no way the US Government is going to let 50 000 citizens be chosen by a random computer program.

It will be carefully looked at and only the best / richest/ smartest will be chosen.

I'd be willing to bet if I an ordinary student entered for the next 20 years I'd lose every time but if a multi millionaire doctor who can cure cancer enters he'll magically get in.

Any thoughts to this? It seems all the people who have won or winning so far are way better off than I am.
I t seems to me that you don't believe in lottos, if you don't, then do yourself a favour and move on with your life. I used to be like you ,untill I won the lotto and managed to get to the united states in 2006. I only had a secondary school certificate and never even dreamt of going to college coz I came from a low class family. I will be graduating with a Bachelors Degree in Computer Science Next year, and hoping of getting my masters by 2011. Calling the lotto a scam????, look for something else to call a scam man!!!!, It's real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From what I hear, people who play the lottery and lose are shipped off to Guantanamo Bay. They will come and get you, even in Australia.


Seriously, you're delusional.
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Think about it, theres no way the US Government is going to let 50 000 citizens be chosen by a random computer program.

It will be carefully looked at and only the best / richest/ smartest will be chosen.

I'd be willing to bet if I an ordinary student entered for the next 20 years I'd lose every time but if a multi millionaire doctor who can cure cancer enters he'll magically get in.

Any thoughts to this? It seems all the people who have won or winning so far are way better off than I am.

This is the biggest load of s*** I have heard today. I had a friend from absolutely poor family here in Ghana. The guy worked at an Internet Cafe and used to help people with their DV applications. He applied and he was picked and my family helped him by convincing one of our relatives to let him stay with them till he adjusted to the American system. We also purchased the plane ticket for him. this was a guy who used to earn about $2 a day.

He now lives in The Bronx New York

The lottery system is not biased.
C'mon this is really lottery, I tried it this year first time and I won...Im student from Slovakia...I was in USA three times as J1 Work and Travel, I have Bc and that it...nothing special on me...so what you think....its not just luck????
ooooh c'mon my dad is no doctor or anything but he won.
Only because you haven't won doesn't mean it's scam.:rolleyes: