The Eagle has Landed - Cards Received


Registered Users (C)
Just 13 days shy of completing 10 long years in this great country, I finally received the physical green cards for myself and spouse in the mail today (08/03/2004).

The cards came in unmarked (i.e., no USCIS logo, etc.) white window envelopes. They're so inconspicuous that you wouldn't even realize that they hold the green cards. Since we were anxiously waiting for it I noticed it at first glance.

Online, the LUD showed up as 08/03/2004 with the message that the cards had been mailed on July 31, 2004. To my surprise, they actually mailed the cards on Saturday, July 31, 2004. I wasn't expecting them to mail it till 8/2/04.

Anyway, to cut the long story short, we're finally relieved and happy that this long and sometimes excruciatingly painful journey has come to an end. When I was saying these very same words to my wife, my 3 year old son overheard me and asked me whether I was referring to 'Journey to Ernie' (from Sesame Street). I wish it were that simple.

All good things have to come to an end, and so will my frequent visits to this wonderful web site. Once again, my sincere thanks to Rajiv Khanna for keeping the dreams and aspirations of prospective green card holders alive via this fantastic forum. God knows what we would do without immigrationportal.

Many thanks to all of you for having shared your travails and victories. I've learnt a lot from all of you, and I hope I have imparted some knowledge to newcomers and oldtimers alike. I'll be around for a little bit answering questions, if any.
which place do u live...
my lud had changed with u but still wiating for card in the mail :confused:
Congratulation and good luck! :)

Perhaps see you in the naturalization backlog forums in about 5 years???!!! :D
Congrats buddy...

I dont know if your son is born here, but just curious to know if you and your wife got stamped on 07/02 or your son too...?
Sky_Drow said:
Congrats buddy...

I dont know if your son is born here, but just curious to know if you and your wife got stamped on 07/02 or your son too...?

My son was born here. I'm so glad he doesn't have to go through the crap that we've gone through.
Good Luck Mavishka

Now you and your wife and kid can settle down to a life uninterrupted by CIS. :)

Till it is time for citizenship that is :D
Goodluck to you and your Family Mavishka! It will be ten years for me this month as well in this country. Since after getting the GC, I am feeling rather optimistic about the future! Maybe, one day when I am "rich and famous" and writing a book -- this experience of waiting for GC will be a good story in it!

Again - good luck!
mavishka said:
Just 13 days shy of completing 10 long years in this great country, I finally received the physical green cards for myself and spouse in the mail today (08/03/2004).

The cards came in unmarked (i.e., no USCIS logo, etc.) white window envelopes. They're so inconspicuous that you wouldn't even realize that they hold the green cards. Since we were anxiously waiting for it I noticed it at first glance.

Online, the LUD showed up as 08/03/2004 with the message that the cards had been mailed on July 31, 2004. To my surprise, they actually mailed the cards on Saturday, July 31, 2004. I wasn't expecting them to mail it till 8/2/04.

Anyway, to cut the long story short, we're finally relieved and happy that this long and sometimes excruciatingly painful journey has come to an end. When I was saying these very same words to my wife, my 3 year old son overheard me and asked me whether I was referring to 'Journey to Ernie' (from Sesame Street). I wish it were that simple.

All good things have to come to an end, and so will my frequent visits to this wonderful web site. Once again, my sincere thanks to Rajiv Khanna for keeping the dreams and aspirations of prospective green card holders alive via this fantastic forum. God knows what we would do without immigrationportal.

Many thanks to all of you for having shared your travails and victories. I've learnt a lot from all of you, and I hope I have imparted some knowledge to newcomers and oldtimers alike. I'll be around for a little bit answering questions, if any.

Congrats and thanks for sharing your experience.
Can I know where did you go for stamping.
On 29th we had stamping at Chicago.
Happy for you!

Dear Mavishka:

I am happy for you! I remember your postings when I used to visit this site regularly, I mean dailys, sometimes even hourly. We have now completed the journey. Goodluck to you and your family.
heartiest wishes

reading your note, gives people like me some hope of achieving the American Dream. You well deserve it , enjoy it


Finally finally the long wait is Ooooooooooover..nJoy 'n' have fun :) ..
hoping to see my card soon :D
Thanks for all your good wishes.

I can say with a great deal of confidence that I've been around on this site longer than 99% of the folks currently using this site. I think I first became a member maybe in 2001 with a different user name and was participating in the Consular Processing forum. Hence, It's difficult to let go of this habit of visiting this great site, learning a lot about the latest, and giving my 2 cents.
I have observed that some people in this forum are rather over reacting for getting the green card, creating an unnecessary hype, euphoria and tension to other junior members. Some people go the extent of treating this occassion ( getting a GC) as an extraordinary and the most important event in their life which is totally absurd, ridiculous and preposterous. I personally feel that getting a greencard does not change your life in any way except that you can do any kind of menial job for getting dollars and to survive or to pay back home mortgages ( which we normally do not like to in our home country). There are so many things in life other than getting GC which are more memorable and give immense satisfaction to us mentally. Some of them are passing out degree/pg degree, marriage, giving away the first months earnings to our parents, having a first baby, watching our kids grow until they are 6 years to name a few. I do agree that all of us take pains to get the GC but my only request is NOT to give too much importance and priority than it desreves. I am from India and at the present moment, with the money we earn here over a period of time, we can lead a very high standard of living in India with most of the comforts available. There are many young people whose intention is to stay here for a few years, make money and go back home for good. Please DO NOT spoil their minds or influence their thoughts with this hype and false propaganda that the only and the greatest achievement in one's life is getting a GC.

I hope readers will take my words in good spirit.

Agree with you that GC is not everything in life. For all I know I might go back to India after a few years. Everyone is free to have their own opinion. Like I have said in my previous messages, I'm more relieved than excited after getting the GC. The GC is important to many people, to some maybe not. The hype and hoopla surrounding the GC is caused mainly by USCIS, 'cos it's becoming more and more difficult to obtain one. So when one completes the arduous journey they feel victorious. And in my opinion there's nothing wrong in expressing the joy and/or relief. When you say 'spoil their minds or influence their thoughts', it only shows how weak-willed those people are who visit this site to get useful information and then try to blame this site for having spoiled them or badly influenced them. Grow up!!

This site is all about sharing experiences along the GC journey. If anything that is mentioned here doesn't appeal to you, feel free to stop visiting this site, but please don't spoil the fun other people are having. Thanks.
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