The Countdown Starts Now!!

Suck it up !! Don't Whine

Hey SOB, U have pissed me off. Now U are in for a ride...Don't be a sissy ... Be a man and lay out the facts U moron...

I have better things to do U jerk.... I didn't see any of yr earlier postings to find out anything .... rather I'm amused that U didn't get my sarcastic remarks !!

Hey WhateverLabor,

Cool down dude. Stop posting yr spinned version of twisted,senseless facts. This is a "No Spin Zone" and I would vehemently oppose any senseless postings like yours. Why are U offended Buddy !! If you have the facts... lay it out.... or else U'll be ridiculed as a bufoon who keeps posting stuff like "It is showtime and Countdown blah blah blah..."

In one of yr earlier postings, U posted some buffonary and when people asked for the source,U went into hiding. Grow up Mr.Substitute Labor and get a life !!

Don't play with newbie immigrants emotions !!


You should know what you are writing. You can not criticize someone if they use substitute labor, as long as he/she follow rules. Please note that I did not use substitute labor.
jerk off...

Hey SOB, U have pissed me off. Now U are in for a ride...Don't be a sissy ... Be a man and lay out the facts U moron...

I have better things to do U jerk.... I didn't see any of yr earlier postings to find out anything .... rather I'm amused that U didn't get my sarcastic remarks !!


Simple fact: I don't even know you but you seem to know all about who I am and what threads I've started.

You are nobody. Non existent. Zero. Zip.. Ok!

I wasn't talking to you before and I wouldn't reply to you again. You are a waste of time.
SECRET Numbers of USCIS ?????

Hey Saras,

I know I am just confuse / frustrated trying to figure out what exactly is going on. I called USCIS few weeks back and got message that security checks are pending. took infopass and got to know that my name check is pending. got letter from uscis that case is pending because its out of processing date.

Today I called again to verify that my name check is pending or not and nice lady at NSC took 3 - 4 minutes and told me that my security checks are cleared. now what can i expect?

After reading these forums.. I get an impression that some folks here call USCIS regularly for their status's. :confused: :confused: But the fact is when I or any person I knew tried calling USCIS, they never tell status or any different information other than what's already published online :( :(
And on TOP of that MY lawyer keep telling me to wait for 30 days after PD is current for any query :mad: :mad:

So YOU GURUS :cool: :cool: .. Can you please let us know secret USCIS ph# and your techniques to extract info like Name check and other status info.

MAN, this is MY LAST OPPORTUNITY TO GET A GC, ELSE I AM going back. I am tired of being chained in this 21st centuries new form of Slavery. :mad: :mad:
try the POJ trick

1 800 375 5283 then 1-2-2-6-1 enter the 485 receipt no. then 1-3-4

This will get you the service center where your case is pending. After that it's your luck whether they give you the information or not.
Thanks a lot MA_Labor..

1 800 375 5283 then 1-2-2-6-1 enter the 485 receipt no. then 1-3-4

This will get you the service center where your case is pending. After that it's your luck whether they give you the information or not.

After 6 Yrs in waiting for GC, today I was finally able to speak to someone at USCIS. The lady on the phone was very nice and told me that I don't have anything pending.. So hopefully I will see some good news soon :) :)

EB3 India,
used AC-21 twice
PD Jan-02
Multiple AP's and EAD's
So much for those who criticized my posts.

Isn't it showtime now?

The countdown actually ended on June 1.

Check out the new wave of approvals.
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