The 90-day residence period in a district?


Registered Users (C)
I have just moved to a district jurisdiction 5 weeks ago and in order to apply for my citizenship, I have to complete a total of 90 days of residency. Can I travel abroad for a couple of weeks during this 90-day residency period. OR do I have to cover up for the time I went abroad before I apply OR does the residency period start from time zero after one returns to the US.

Please advise.

Thanks a lot and best regards.
neelmanish said:
I have just moved to a district jurisdiction 5 weeks ago and in order to apply for my citizenship, I have to complete a total of 90 days of residency. Can I travel abroad for a couple of weeks during this 90-day residency period. OR do I have to cover up for the time I went abroad before I apply OR does the residency period start from time zero after one returns to the US.

Please advise.

Thanks a lot and best regards.

You need to establish residency for a period of 90 days in the district to be eligible to file from there. Establishing residence does not mean that you are not allowed to take trips etc. The idea is that when your trip is done, you are coming back to this address because this is your "permanent" address.

You should be ok with taking a trip. Somebody with more knowledge can comment on this if I am wrong.

Good luck!
Save the proof of establishing your residency, i.e. utility bill, apartment rental lease/house ownership, drivers license change, etc. for your interview if the question comes up. Other than that, you will be fine. Temporary travel during the 90 days period is fine.