The 4th Generation War on the Home Front

This part made me laugh...

Immediate deportation of any non-citizen who commits a felony, along with all identifiable family members. That would give immigrant communities an incentive to control their own members who might be criminally inclined. There should be no such things as gangs made up of immigrants.

Oh, so it's OK if it's american gangs, but an "immigrant" gang is especially bad??

Though I do agree with some of his other points, such as curbing illegal immigration, but shooting somebody at the border seems a little extreme.
injunguy said:
This part made me laugh...

Immediate deportation of any non-citizen who commits a felony, along with all identifiable family members. That would give immigrant communities an incentive to control their own members who might be criminally inclined. There should be no such things as gangs made up of immigrants.

Oh, so it's OK if it's american gangs, but an "immigrant" gang is especially bad??

Though I do agree with some of his other points, such as curbing illegal immigration, but shooting somebody at the border seems a little extreme.

And some identifiabnle family memebers of non-ctitizen felon maybe

Is there an international laws that ban a country from deporting its
own citizens?
injunguy said:
This part made me laugh...

Immediate deportation of any non-citizen who commits a felony, along with all identifiable family members. That would give immigrant communities an incentive to control their own members who might be criminally inclined. There should be no such things as gangs made up of immigrants.

Oh, so it's OK if it's american gangs, but an "immigrant" gang is especially bad??

Though I do agree with some of his other points, such as curbing illegal immigration, but shooting somebody at the border seems a little extreme.

This is not so impratcical as the following

"A neutral policy of Americanization of all immigrants. As was true for the forefathers of many American citizens, they are welcome to maintain their national language and customs in their homes, but all business in the public square must follow American norms, starting with English-only. Far from hurting immigrants, that policy made it possible for children born in Ukraine ghettoes to join the American middle class."

Implementation of this means a great portion of ethnic restaurant
and grocery stores will be forced to close.
The charming irony of many of these right-wing nutjobs is that they proclaim such strong fealty to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, yet then turn around and advocate measures that were considered illlegal by the British in 1776, never mind in the US after the US Bill of Rights was passed.

You cannot deport an alien based on family association, and you certainly cannot deport a US citizen (especially one who has done nothing wrong!). That's US law 101. Never mind the whole forcing use of a particular language in public. First Amendment, anyone?

Most of these wackos believe the Second Amendment is absolutely sacrosanct, but the other 26 can all go away as far as they're concerned.
JoeF said:
This reminds me of Ann Coulter, another right-wing nut. For her, every American who doesn't agree with her is a "traitor"...

Hmmmmmm, that woman who believes anything that salable have some market value. And she realizes that hate sells pretty well.
And obviously Joe McCarthy is her role model of American politics.
Immigration laws needs to be changed. The irony is that these right-wing lunatics thwart the process by repulsing all decent individuals. Consequently, some valid points they bring up are ignored in the brouhaha.

A case in point is the penalties for hiring illegal immigrants. A large portion of them work in the service sector particularly in the food service, cleaning, farm labor, and meat processing plants. Yet, these business have successfully lobbied against more stringent controls and harsher penalties for hiring undocumented workers. The unfortunate result is many of use are caught up in the public opinion backlash.

And thank god for Ann Coulter. Every time I get grief for being a liberal (we use the term progressive these days) I’m able to bring her up. Makes Rush Limbaugh seem a like a bleeding heart. Maybe she'll become another Arianna Huffington one day (wishful thinking).
Pork Chop said:
and pigs will fly over a frozen wasteland of heck.
Well she is not that bad when she comes on Fox news channel with H&C. She does go off the top on the talk back radio though but can be humorous to listen to as well.
brb2 said:
Well she is not that bad when she comes on Fox news channel with H&C.

Because she is supposed to talk there "fair and balanced" :rolleyes:

brb2 said:
She does go off the top on the talk back radio though but can be humorous to listen to as well.

Humor. It's required. She knows her theories and opinions have little substance. It would be miserable and therefore "unsalable" if there is no coating of humor.

My issue is that she tries to pretend as "expert". If she tried to sell her stuffs as "comedy" or "humor", that would be appropriate.