Thanks Lord! The waiting ended!!!!


Registered Users (C)
Just spoke to IIO again few minutes ago, I was told by a very very nice lady that my case has been approved today and the approval notice will be mailed shortly! With severe anxiety after company released a new round of human resource plan by the end of last year, I couldn\'t wait to have called IIO any more. This time it is totally different!

----LU CAI, I bet you will hear yours any time soon!

Thanks to all of you, you\'d been supplying me so much info here! Best wishes to those who are still waiting!
God bless you all! God bless America!!
Sorry, I am too exiting and forgot many people may not be familiar with me...

PD Mar 10 2000
RD Mar 5 2001
ND Mar 13 2001
FD Aug 14 2001
Thanks to you all. And two questions____

Does anybody here have PP stamp experience in Boston?
If I travel to Toronto, do I have to get a Canadian visa?

Thanks in advance!
Yet before spoke to IIO. But not call again after hanging up. Will check tonight once more.

I stamped my Passport in Boston during Nov., \'01

All you need is your Approval Notice (I had the original), 2 INS ADIT style Photos, and valid Passport. You also need to give up your EAD & AP, if you have any. I was there at around 11am, and was out by 1pm. Most of this time was the wait time; actual stamping took only 5min. From what I can recall, they open as early as 7:30am, and your wait time might be less if you get there by then. Hope this helps.
Thanks to you all, so many nice friends! And answer to peterjiang & lak69

Checked AVM again tonight @6:50pm after back from office. Message changed from " received ....blah blah" to "This case has been approved..." already. I also heard the magic words!
My case #: