Hi , Prince!
Unfortunately , I lost the discussion about the photos, but I disagree .
If you have a digital camera, photo cutter and some minimal experience with photoshop, you can create a better photo then the professional guy .
A typical american home or apartment should have a white (or uniformly painted wall )
You can easily arrange an almost adecuate lighting using 2 lamps.
- Don't use flash.
-Manully configure the white balance.
-Use a tripod if you can ($18+tax at Walmart for 57" tripod )
- Try to avoid shadows ...
- Do not wear gray closes (or the same color that your background is)
- use the best quality your camera allows : minimal compression, maximum resolution (at least 2 Mpixel)
Read the official site at
(See the menu on the left side. There is no "Next" option unfortunately )
Once the photo is made , open it with the photoshop , use color selection (feather 5-10 pixels) and increase brightness/ decrease contrast on the background to make the backgroung perfectly white (you may add some light color , to make it more "natural" )
Also, you can use the "dodge" tool (5-20%) to "lighten" the shadows on the face ...
After that you'll get a pretty good picture ... (for advenced users : you may select the skin and using blur (on the skin only!) make some "digital makeup" )
When you have the picture ready, select the rectangle for the final picture and copy the selected picture.
Choose the resolution (I used 400 dpi , but 300 should be enough ) so your copied picture should be bigger then the 2 inches using this resolution (800 or 600 pix respectively ) .
Downsize the picture to get the 2" x 2" with desired resolution .
Now create an empty 4" x 6" picture with the same resolution (for 400 dpi it will be 1600 x 2400 and carefully copy the picture 6 times
(to put the picture in the correct place: select with the mouse the target rectangle (you may zoom the image for a pixel precision ... ) and then 'paste' the image)
You'll get the 4"x6" image with 6 pictures ... print in walmart - 1 hour print is 0.19+tax ...
The only inconvinience I had was that there was really tough to put my name on the back of the phono using a pencil ...
I used the same technique for the EAD and visas photos ..
Why I'm not just paying $7 ? Well the problem is not the money : My wife never likes how she looks in the "instant photos" ...
With digital camera she has an oportunity to choose the photo she likes more