Thank God !! Company name change approved without I-140 redo(Satyender)


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Ladies and Gentleman:

I am pleased to inform that me and my wife\'s I-485 has been approved( as per AVM) after waiting for nearly 5 years on July 11,2001. I feel so relieved that it is finally over.

My details are as follows --

August 1996 -- Filed regular labour certifiacation.
Sept 1998 -- Got labour certifiacation approved.
Nov 1998 -- Filed I-140
May 1999 -- Got I-140 approved
Waited for 4 months to get PD current.
Filed I-485 in sept 20,1999
FP - Mar 7,2001
Replied RFE for employment letter April 6,2001
April 24 2001 --Case went On hold due to company name change
June 19,2001 -- AC21 regulations released hold on my case resulting in approval on July 11,2001
Got two EAD \'s since oct 99.


One can see that I had tough time in getting green card approved.Getting through the whole process would have been more difficult without this excellent web site. I observed following during last few years...

1.Waiting for regulations regarding company name change cases was the most frustrating period in the entire process. I know how it feels when people who filed nearly a year after you are getting approved while your case is lying unapproved . It took more than eight months for INS to release these regulations . In the meantime people like me suffered.

2. Luck plays a big role in the entire process.

3.Even though you pay fee for filing I-485 there is no accountabilty on part of INS to get your file adjudicated in timely fashion.
One has to redial at least for 25 minutes to get a chance to talk with IIO and yet get no meaningful information.

I wish best of luck to everybody especially for those who are still waiting due to company name change.

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Good for you Satyendar .. It\'s about time that some people get the relief that is sought. All the others .. keep the faith .. we\'ll all sail thru !
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Congrats! Enjoy your life with peace of mind and lots of fun. Good luck in yr future endeavours.
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Congratulations Satyendar.. You sure tried much to resolve the name change issue. Happy that you are done now.
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congrats! Your patience sure has paid off. Hope that all company name change cases get approved soon...
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Hi Satyender,
     Congrats!!! Enjoy your freedom.

    Wish you good luck.
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Hi Satyender,
 I am about to file my third stage next week. I came to know that my company name is going to be changed because of takeover. I understand how much mental struggle you underwent because of this. After reading your case, i feel i too will undergo the same. My attorney suggests that a amendement needs to be made for my I 140. In your case i believe you didn\'t do that. What is AC21 regulation....? When find time can you reply in detail the third stage and how you handled the company name change process ?

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With AC21 regulations released on June 19 there is no need to file I-140 again. You have to provide INS with an updated employment letter. I do not see any probelms.
