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I just wanted to beat y'all in the race!

I feel dumb in asking this.... how do you attach pictures?

Okay here is one:

The once was a rich man who wanted to get his daughter married. So as usual he invited a lot of prospects. He lined them along one side of a pool. He then lowered a cow into the pool for a few seconds and lifted it up and there were only bones left. He explained " this pool is filled with killer flesh eating piranhas. If you really like my daughter and want to marry her, you have cross the pool from one end to the other".

While the prospects were shaking their heads at this possibility, there was a loud splash. And within seconds a man jumped out of the other side of the pool. The rich man ran to the guy and said " You must really want my daughter"

The guy replied " I just want the SOB who pushed me in"!
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here's another one

A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word.
An earlier discussion had led to an argument and neither of them wanted
to concede their position. As they passed a barnyard of mules, jackasses
and pigs, the husband asked sarcastically "Relatives of yours?"
"Yep," replied the wife, "in-laws."

one step forward-two steps back

George set out on a very windy night to see his friend Sam, who was sick in bed.

Hours later, George dragged his weary body into Sam's house, and collapsed on the couch, exhausted. "I'll tell you," George said, when he had caught his breath, "it was just brutal. For every step I took forward, I fell back two."

"So how did you ever make it over here?" Sam asked.

"Well," George replied, "after a while I decided to give up, so I turned around and headed for home."
Physics 101

For those who thought the hardest part of Physics 101 was the constant conversion from MKS or CGS units to English units, here are some useful English system conversions:

Ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter: Eskimo Pi

2000 pounds of Chinese soup: Won ton

1 millionth of a mouthwash: 1 microscope

Time between slipping on a peel and smacking the pavement: 1 bananosecond

Weight an evangelist carries with God: 1 billigram

Time it takes to sail 220 yards at 1 nautical mile per hour: Knot-furlong

365.25 days of drinking low-calorie beer because it's less filling: 1 lite year

16.5 feet in the Twilight Zone: 1 Rod Serling

Half of a large intestine: 1 semicolon

1000 aches: 1 megahurtz

Basic unit of laryngitis: 1 hoarsepower

Shortest distance between two jokes: A straight line (think about it for a moment)

453.6 graham crackers: 1 pound cake

1 million-million microphones: 1 megaphone

1 million bicycles: 2 megacycles

365.25 days: 1 unicycle

2000 mockingbirds: two kilomockingbirds (work on it....)

10 cards: 1 decacards

1 kilogram of falling figs: 1 Fig Newton

1000 grams of wet socks: 1 literhosen

1 millionth of a fish: 1 microfiche

1 trillion pins: 1 terrapin

10 rations: 1 decoration

100 rations: 1 C-ration

2 monograms: 1 diagram

8 nickels: 2 paradigms

2.4 statute miles of intravenous surgical tubing at Yale University Hospital: 1 I.V. League
GWB meets Little Johnny

George Bush is out jogging one morning, notices Little Johnny on the corner with a box. Curious he runs over to Little Johnny and says, "What's in the box kid?"

Little Johnny says, "Kittens, they're brand new kittens."

George Bush laughs and says, "What kind of kittens are they?"

"Republicans," says Little Johnny.

"Oh that's cute," he says and he goes on his way.

A couple of days later George Bush is running with his buddy Dick Cheney and he spies Little Johnny with his box just ahead.

George Bush says to Dick, "You gotta check this out" and they both jog over to Little Johnny.

George Bush says, "Look in the box Dick, isn't that cute? Look at those little kittens. Hey kid tell my friend Dick what kind of kittens they are."

Little Johnny replies, "They're Democrats."

"Whoa!" George Bush says, "I came by here the other day and you said they were Republicans. What's up?"

"Well," Little Johnny explains, "Their eyes are open now."
Lil' Johnny hurries home..

Lil' Johnny attended a horse auction with his father. He watched as his father moved from horse to horse, running his hands up and down the horses' legs, rump, and chest. After a few minutes, Johnny asked, "Pop, why are you doing that?"

"Because I'm thinking of buying these horses."

Johnny looked worried and said, "Then I think we'd better hurry home right away!"

"Why?" his father asked.

"Because the mailman stopped by yesterday, and I think he wants to buy Mom!"
Originally posted by patienceGC
I just wanted to beat y'all in the race!

I feel dumb in asking this.... how do you attach pictures?

Okay here is one:

The once was a rich man who wanted to get his daughter married. So as usual he invited a lot of prospects. He lined them along one side of a pool. He then lowered a cow into the pool for a few seconds and lifted it up and there were only bones left. He explained " this pool is filled with killer flesh eating piranhas. If you really like my daughter and want to marry her, you have cross the pool from one end to the other".

While the prospects were shaking their heads at this possibility, there was a loud splash. And within seconds a man jumped out of the other side of the pool. The rich man ran to the guy and said " You must really want my daughter"

The guy replied " I just want the SOB who pushed me in"!

People are getting STINKING smell out of this...:D:D
Productive Salesmanship

The kids filed back into class Monday morning. They were very excited.
Their weekend assignment was to sell something, then give a talk on
productive salesmanship.

Little Mary led off: "I sold girl scout cookies and I made $30,"
she said proudly, "My sales approach was to appeal to the
customer's civil spirit and I credit that approach for my obvious

"Very good," said the teacher.

Little Sally was next: "I sold magazines," she said, "I made $45 and
I explained to everyone that magazines would keep them abreast of
current events."

"Very good, Sally," said the teacher.

Eventually, it was Little Johnny's turn.

Little Johnny walked to the front of the classroom and dumped
a box full of cash on the teacher's desk."$2,467," he said.

"$2,467!" cried the teacher, "What in the world were you selling?"
"Tooth brushes," said Little Johnny.
"Tooth brushes," echoed the teacher, "How could you possibly sell
enough tooth brushes to make that much money?"
"I found the busiest corner in town," said Little Johnny, "I set up a
Dip & Chip stand. I gave everybody who walked by a sample.
They all said the same thing.
Hey, this tastes like shit!
Then I would say.............." It is shit."
Wanna buy a toothbrush?"
The Weakest Link

> The Weakest Link
> Are you the weakest link? Below are four (4) questions. You have to
> answer them instantly. You can't take your time, answer all of them
> immediately.
> OK? Let's find out just how clever you really are.
> Ready?
> GO!!! (scroll down)
> First Question:
> You are participating in a race. You overtake the second person.What
> position are you in?
> Answer: If you answered that you are first, then you are absolutely
> wrong!If you overtake the second person and you take his place, you
> are second!
> Try not to mess up in the next question.
> To answer the second question, don't take as much time as you took for
> the first question.
> Second Question: If you overtake the last person, then you are...?
> Answer: If you answered that you are second to last, then you are
> wrong again. Tell me, how can YOU overtake the LAST person?!
> You're not very good at this are you?
> Third Question: Very tricky math! Note: This must be done in your
> head only. Do NOT use paper and pencil or a calculator. Try it.
> Take 1000 and add 40 to it. Now add another 1000. Now add 30. Add
> another 1000. Now add 20. Now add another 1000. Now add 10. What is
> the total?
> Scroll down for answer..
> Did you get 5000? The correct answer is actually 4100.
> Don't believe it? Check with your calculator!
> Today is definitely not your day. Maybe you will get the last question
> right?
> Mary's father has five daughters: 1. Nana, 2. Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono.
> What is the name of the fifth daughter?
> Answer: Nunu? NO! Of course not. Her name is Mary. Read the question
> again
> Have A Blessed Day!!!!
Another one

Well any wild guess on why 'Iraqis' are looting ??
>Scroll down
>Scroll down
>Scroll down
>Scroll down
In an address thru TV to Iraqi people,
Bush: "......and soon Iraq will be FREE....." :D :D :D :D :D
"I'd Love To Be Ten Again"

A man asked his wife, "What would you most like for your birthday?" She said,....."I'd love to be ten again."

On the morning of her birthday, he got her up bright and early and off they went to a theme park. He put her on every ride in the park, the Death Slide, The Screaming Loop, the Wall of Fear. Everything there was, she had a go. She staggered out of the theme park five hours later, her head spinning and her stomach upside down.

Into McDonald's they went, where she was given a Double Big Mac with extra fries and a strawberry shake. Then off to a theater to see Star Wars - more hot dogs, popcorn, cola and sweets.

At last she staggered home with her husband and collapsed into bed. Her husband leaned over and asked, "Well, dear, what was it like being ten again?" One eye opened and she groaned, "Actually I meant the dress size."
This woman is rushed to the hospital in critical condition.

Her husband waits patiently in the waiting room.

After a few minutes, the doctor comes out and asks her assistant
for a wrench, which understandably concerns the husband.

Then, after a couple more moments, the doctor re-enters the room
this time asking for a screwdriver.

The man grows worried and begins to pace in circles.

Then, a little later, the doctor bursts through the doors
screaming for a hammer.

At that, the husband, in a state of frenzied terror, runs
up to the surgeon and asks, ''Doctor, what the heck is
wrong with my wife?''

"I don't know," replies the flustered doctor, "I can't
get my damn bag open."

Anti-Body - against everyone

Artery - study of paintings

Bacteria - back door to a cafeteria

Barium - what to do when treatment fails

Bowel - letters lik A E I O or U

Caesarean Section - a district in Rome

Cardiology - advanced study of poker playing

Cat Scan - searching for ones lost kitty

Cauterize - made eye contact with her

Colic - sheep dog

Coma - punctuation mark

Congenital - friendly

D & C - where Washington is

Dilate - to live long

Enema - not a friend

Fester - quicker

Genes - blue denim slacks

Genital - non-Jewish

Hangnail - coat hook

Hemorrhoid - a male From outer space

Herpes - what women do in the Ladies Room

Hormones - what a prostitute does when she doesn't get paid

Impotent - distinguished, well known

Inpatient - tired of waiting

Labor Pain - hurt at work

Medical Staff - a doctor's cane

Minor Operation - coal digging

Morbid - a higher bid

Nitrate - cheaper than the Day Rate

Node - was aware of

Organic - organ repairman

Outpatient - a person who has fainted

Paralyze - two far-fetched stories

Pharmacist - person who makes a living dealing in agriculture

Post-Operative - a letter carrier

Protein - in favor of young people

Recovery Room - place to upholster furniture

Rectum - what happened to the Corvette

Rheumatic - amorous

Saline - where you go on your boyfriend's boat

Secretion - hiding something

Tablet - a small table

Terminal Illness - getting sick at the airport

Tibia - country in North Africa

Tumor - an extra pair

Urine - opposite of You're Out

Varicose - nearby

Vein - conceited
My Life As A Dog In A Desi Household

by Ramesh Mahadevan
My uncle owns a posh house in the suburbs of Washington DC. Not far from the tourist places, but far away from the congestion and crack houses and quite accessible to the metro station. It is in such a neighborhood, that he bought it real cheap, but expects it to appreciate in value about twenty folds in just a few years. It has the best school district and is located very close to my uncle's and aunt's places of work. In fact, it is the best pocket of land in the vicinity of the nation's capital and sheer economic sense destined him to spot this El Dorado of a real estate. And he closed the deal at a ridiculously low mortgage rate. If there is a center of the universe, it is this, it is this, it is this.

I went over there for the holidays. My aunt and uncle and their two kids, the picture-perfect family (at least for a year or two, till their youngest kid, Rahul, becomes a teenager) were on the doorsteps inviting me in. My aunt had promised me a 'surprise' and I was bracing myself to act quite surprised.

"Look on the sofa" my aunt said, unable to prolong the suspense any more.

"Why, a new cushion ?" I asked carelessly.

"No, a DOG, your uncle's friend gave her to us last month. We are calling her Thunder" Sheesh, I should have guessed. When I phoned them up a few days ago, I heard strange yelping sounds in the background and I had presumed it was my uncle making those sounds. My aunt didn't know that I had a surprise for her too. My holiday gift for her this time was a book titled '101 uses for a dead dog'. The 82 nd use was a 'very large pin cushion'.

There it was - all black, blacker than the telephones of yore, with black beady eyes (Piccasso would have called the beast White on White) Thunder ?!? It looked more like a Bundar. As if switched on, it lifted its head lifelessly and emitted a few perfunctory barks at me.

"She already likes you" my aunt reassured me as the dark, shaggy thing came up to me and deposited a puddle of drivel and gasped a few times. "I wanted a cat, but cats are just couch potatoes and Anita was pestering us for a dog. So we decided on a dog. It was such a difficult thing convincing your uncle to get us one."

My uncle intervened. "Your aunt is an expert in getting things her way. In this house women are in majority till my son grows a mustache. Have you ever noticed how these women gang up with each other and against men ? Even if two strange women meet, they quickly develope a rapport and generate brotherly feelings toward each other in no time at all. No wonder men are losing their ground." Are you listening Gloria Steinem, Jayashree Gururaja ? "Your aunt wanted the dog to be a veggie dog, can you believe it ? - in this age of dog chows and puppy chows."

"What's wrong, you tell me" my aunt argued, bringing me into the battle. "I raised all my kids in this country to be vegetarians. Why can't I raise the dog the same way ? We Indians are the only ones who give up their culture the moment we step into this country." It seemed like they finally worked out a compromise, that the dog could eat meat, but only in the basement - the dog food would not enter the main sanctums of the house.

"Thunder is keeping all of us very busy. We had to house-break her and walk her. Just last month, we had an accident in the guest bedroom, where you are going to be sleeping today. Thunder did pooh-pooh there." Thanks aunt, knowing this, I will sleep like a baby tonight.

"No mom" came a loud protest from my cousin Anita "Thunder didn't do pooh-pooh. She only did choo-choo".

"No, sweetheart, remember we rented the carpet steamer from the drugstore ? She did pooh-pooh not choo-choo."

Thus began my vacation.

We went out shopping the following day. As usual, my aunt wasn't 'ready' even though it was well past the appointed time and my uncle was hurrying her. She complained. "In this house, whenever your uncle is ready, everyone else is supposed to be ready automatically." I always liked the way they kept referring to each other as 'your uncle' and 'your aunt'.
"Look at your aunt's handbag. Notice how huge it is - if the people at the Domino's Pizza see it, they would want to borrow it and use it to deliver their extra-large pizzas. Look at the way she walks the dog - even Nancy Reagan didn't walk the First Dog like this."

I made my first car trip with a desified dog, sharing the backseat with it and two kids. It was tougher than I had imagined. There was a constant battle for territory. Every time the car came to a stop, the dumb thing would lose its balance and fall down and whenever it tried to creep into my lap, I had to judiciously push it away, without arousing my cousins' suspicion.

On the second day, I took it for a walk, which amounted to it dragging me for a good kilometer. It stopped to urinate at every single tree and quasistationary object in sight. For a creature that had absolutely nothing to do in life, Thunder was extraordinarily hyper and had to be around whereever there was any excitement. As per Somebody's Theory of Canine Ego, that the smallest dogs have the largest egos, Thunder would bark its tail off at all those large, real mean dogs, as if it owned the territory. I would get scared stiff for being drawn into the feud by association. Fortunately, the bigger ones would just ignore Thunder and me and walk on.

While inside the house, it always walked between my legs and everytime I had this irresistible urge to give it a violent kick, my aunt would quickly appear at the doorway, as if she read my mind. Then the ritual of giving it vitamin pills. Rahul would pop the dog's mouth open for a split second. Anita would quickly deposit the magic pill and Rahul would hold its mouth shut till it either swallowed the pill or suffocated to death. One of the low points in my life occured while I was resting on the couch, when Thunder lunged forward at me in one great friendly gesture. Before I could even react, the animal was already all over me, belly-up, like a dead cockroach, beseeching me to pet her. And I had to scratch its underbelly to earn some points from my aunt. ("Anita, isn't she cute ?")

Although he never admitted it, my uncle was secretly proud of having a dog in his house. He even attempted conversations with it.

"After all, you are man's best friend" my uncle told Thunder. Oh, no, he is in his PJ (Poor Joke) mode. He won't stop now. He continued "But doggie, when you go out through those doors into the wide world, remember it is a doggie-dog world. And I am doggone right ! You will be dog-tired, especially if you have been workin' like a dog. If you don't follow my advice, you will just go to dogs. But then, every dog has his day. Yes, my dear Doggie Howser."

The PJ mode was infectious. I too joined in. "Kuthe, kamine, mera izzat ko mitti me mila diya" I told the dog, " And watch out Thunder, people might call you a bitch, but to me you are a doggess". I winked at my uncle, who quickly came out of his frivolous mood and gave me what seemed like a semi-dirty look.

On the following day, there was a massive party. Thunder was exiled to the basement, after it attempted to lick an elderly woman guest and nearly caused her death by heart attack. The party itself was fun. My uncle's friend's father, retired officer, Indian Railways, was making conversations with me "You are from ITI Kanpur ? my son-in-law's brother-in-law also studied there in 1975. A brilliant fellow. Now he is in Jaipur. No he is from ITI Kharagpur, not Kanpur. Parvati, What is Vasudev Kaka's second son's name ?" I was slowly sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

It was late in the night. There was just me and the dog in the living room. It was sleeping near the heater vent, with a smile on its face. It even looked eerily philosophical. Thunder it seems ! What a phony name. If it existed in India it would have been called Kalu or Subramaniam (a la Sridevi) or at best, Whimper. But then who knows, even in India, Munna Lals and Bhaiya Lals masquerade as Van Shipley and Johnny Lever and there are even Simple Kapadias.
It is time to philosophize. Why would a perfectly normal and happy desi family suddenly get a dog at this point in time. Why ? Maybe there are reasons. For my uncle, it is one more feather in his cap during his long life of seeking feathers in his cap - like buying his house or filling his basement with a 35 inch TV. To my niece, who is a rookie teenager, walking the dog down the road is a nice way to meet all those cute boys and perhaps a good compensation for some of the inadequacies of being raised in an immigrant, non-caucacian household. And as for my nephew, the dog is the kid's version of American dream, something larger than life. In fact, it was larger than even an elephant. I am sure it means something to my aunt too. And does Thunder have a say in the matter? How does it feel to be a dog in a desi household ? Any difference ? Is Thunder the desi equivalent in the world of dogs? After all, it too confronted the veg-non veg issue. It is forbidden to enter the Pooja room. Like desis in real world, it looks very important and gets a lot of attention with the weekend visitors and parties. It too has a disproportionately large ego and displays it at every given chance. It also barks a lot and never once bites, like many desis. It too never quite enjoys catching frisbees and never got around to being good at it. Pretty soon, it will get a huge paunch. Then it might even make posts on Soc.Culture.Indian. Is the dog just a metaphor ? How surreal ! Why can't I accept Thunder for what she is and live in peace ? Well, I can go on and on, along this convoluted train of thought. But, I shan't. It is time to sleep.


Pow Wow.
Ramesh Mahadevan

I happened to read all his articles some time back. He is the best to describe the student (indian) life here in US probably in 80s and 90s. I did not see any new ones in the recent past. Probably he is very busy or enjoying the life in Colorado. Could any one post a link to any of his latest articles please.
Thank You

Thank you meowmeow for introducing Ramesh Mahadevan and the good link. The jokes at this forum are always original.....
