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A couple goes to the doctor.
Doctor says I need to do blood test on both of you. After a while doctor comes out and says "What a coincidence, you both have same blood group.".

Husband says: "It's not a coincidence, she has been sucking my blood for last 25 years, so it had to be same".
Another TGIF

A man goes to a doctor and complains of severe headache. He's been having this problem for a long time. The doctor checks him and advises him of the solution "You have to get castrated. That will relieve your headache". This person is shocked and in a dilemma whether to suffer in pain or get it cut off. Finally he decides to get himself castrated. He tells the doctor that he cannot bear the pain any more and he wants the operation to be done.
After the operation the person does not have a headache. He feels like he’s got a new life. So he decides to go shopping and buy new clothes in celebration.
At the shop, a sales guy greets him and says that he could assist him.
Sales guy: “You need a size 10 hat, let me get it”.
Person: “How do you know that I wear a size 10 hat?”.
Sales guy: “That’s my job”…and gets him the hat.

Sales guy: “You need a size 44 shirt, let me get it”
Person: “How do you know that I wear a size 44 shirt?”.
Sales guy: “That’s my job”….and gets him the shirt

So on it goes and the person buys hat, shirt, trousers, and shoes.

Sales guy: “You need a size 10 underwear, let me get it”
Person: “How do you know that I wear a size 10 underwear?”.
Sales guy: “That’s my job”
Person: “But I always wear size 8 underwear?”.
Sales guy: “That’s not good sir, because if you wear size 8 underwear, you will get a bad headache”