Texaslucky, you said that there were 3 Rd 2001 cases got approvals late March.

time to receive receipt from TSC for I-485


Can someone tell me how long it takes TSC to send a receipt notice for I-485 cases?

Any info would be great.

Thanks in advance
If you go to the tracker site http://www.e-nairobi.com/aos/

you will get the information requested. While you are there, dont forget to enter your data in the tracker. Even if you dont have the exact Rd/ND now, go ahead enter your approximate date and later update it.

BTW, I did receive my receipt notices in 6 days of ND and 8 days of RD.

I know 2 more people who got approved in 3-4 months range

These people have the following details :
 Person 1: RD/ND : 12/11/2001 FP : 1/30/2002 AD : 3/18/2002
 Person 2: RD/ND : 11/2001 FP : 1/29/2002 AD : 3/7/2002

Good-luck to all.