Terrible transfer


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My case is transfered to local Philadelphia office today(7/21/04). I just sent my REF to them on 7/08/04 about employement letter and tax return. During the preparation of REF, I knew I have to leave current job and move to another one in Illinois (I work in a university and my advisor is moving, so I follow him). So in the REF, my attorney included this inforamtion. I though everything should be fine, but never expected that the case is transfered. I will move to Illinois on 8/12/04, but now the case is transfered to Philadelphia. What I can do for this? Can I call local office and ask for an interview before I leave? Or I must fly back for the interview? I am so depressed by this. Anyone has the similar experiece? Please share it with me. Thank you!
Don't worry , you're not alone ... the ratio transfers/approvals seems to be 20:1 these days for 2003 applicants. BTW can you give us more details please: ND, EB cat. ... etc what univ (in Phila I guess) ...
windseeker said:
My case is transfered to local Philadelphia office today(7/21/04). I just sent my REF to them on 7/08/04 about employement letter and tax return. During the preparation of REF, I knew I have to leave current job and move to another one in Illinois (I work in a university and my advisor is moving, so I follow him). So in the REF, my attorney included this inforamtion. I though everything should be fine, but never expected that the case is transfered. I will move to Illinois on 8/12/04, but now the case is transfered to Philadelphia. What I can do for this? Can I call local office and ask for an interview before I leave? Or I must fly back for the interview? I am so depressed by this. Anyone has the similar experiece? Please share it with me. Thank you!

Post your immigration details, please so people can make up a better picture, i.e. I-485 RD, ND, FP, etc, I-140, LC or not, category..., AC-21?
The Transfers issue was mentioned to Rajiv for deposition purposes. However, I am not sure if yours is a "legitimate" transfer or not and whether it happened in a timely manner.
Going to another university is changing employers. Who is your sponsor? Did your lawyer mentioned AC-21 or not? Are you bound by AC-21 or not. Maybe your attorney is not really your attorney after all but the university's attorney.
You should find out what the waiting period is for Philly; I hope they are not as bad as in Finger printing.
They may transfer your case again to Illinois....
My I485 Rd is 10/2002. The RFE was sent on 4/16/03 and reply was receivd on 7/8/04. My case is EB12, and university is the sponsor. My attorney did file AC-21, and including it and two employment letters(from current one and new one) in the REF reply. My new employment starts on 8/16/04 in the new university, and current one terminates on 8/15/04.

I just feel so sad about this transfer and it is so unexpected.
I felt the same on May 20th, 2004. However, I think what happens, happens for good.
Philadelphia is one of the fastest processing centers. You have no control over USCIS decisions, then why worry?

Philadelphia is processing 2003 cases and therefore you should get an inteview in couple of months. Unlike me who has to wait another 6-8 months to get an inteview as Atlanta is worst in processing applications.

Cheer up. Everything will workout in the end. Vermont is not even processing cases files in 10/2002. Therefore, you'll get approval soon.
tufan said:
I felt the same on May 20th, 2004. However, I think what happens, happens for good.
Philadelphia is one of the fastest processing centers. You have no control over USCIS decisions, then why worry?

Philadelphia is processing 2003 cases and therefore you should get an inteview in couple of months. Unlike me who has to wait another 6-8 months to get an inteview as Atlanta is worst in processing applications.

Cheer up. Everything will workout in the end. Vermont is not even processing cases files in 10/2002. Therefore, you'll get approval soon.

It is refreshing to see this type of positive attitude from a person in your situation, especially on this board. You are looking at things in the right light, my friend. Best of luck and keep everyone posted on this interesting case.