Terrible health experience in Moorpark CA.


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I just had very terrible health experience in Moorpark CA.

The test for TB was not good, and we did X-ray. We asked the doctor
if there any problem for immigration, and he said it will be ok for
immigration. But he put abnormal in the report while not telling us to
do any further diagnosis or treatment. And now INS issues a RFE for this,
when I ask for help from this doctor, he said he just put what he saw
in the report and the diagnosis and treatment is not his speciality. And
he cannot do any thing for us.

I asked him why not tell us in first place, which was 6 months ago, so that
we can have enough time to handle this, he said it was not his
responsibility to do this.

Not to mention that this guy charged us about 300 for the test while some
of my friends only paid as little as less than 100.

I am angry and want to tell everyone my bad experience. I don\'t know if it violates the law to reveal his name. Please tell me.
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usually, you get a copy of the medical report... the green (or pink )color form ... this will tell you the outcome of your tests. the doctor then types out the medical report.

I would suggest that you go to a regular doctor, and do a TB checkup and take that report to another INS approved doctor for an evaluation.
good luck.
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weiqi, I feel bad for you this happened. Did the x-ray show problems too? Because if the skin test was bad but the x-ray shows
the lungs are ok, then the doctor should state on the report and that should be acceptable by INS because no further treatment is
needed. But if the x-ray showed problems than I think this doctor is negligent because even if it\'s not his responsibility to treat it, it
is his responsibility to let the patient know and seek treatment. I don\'t know what you can do at this point since you already lost
precious time. Talk to your attorney. This doctor overcharged you, 300 is too expensive. Maybe you can file a compaint with INS and you should tell your friends not to go to him in the future. Good-luck
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Sorry to hear this weiqi !!

Apart from all current stress with INS , I hope there is nothing wrong with your health and the test results were wrong . Look after your health first !
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weiqi, Sorry to hear this.

I have another question. I did not do some of the follow-up examinations. for example, some examination need three shots, but I forgot to do one of them, would it be a problem? thanks
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6 months ago, when we finished the test, the X-ray also showed
somewhite dots, and when I asked him if this will cause any problem,
he said this is not active TB and should be ok. But he still marked
that column with abnormal and did not give us any suggestion to do
further diagnosis and treatment, even I asked him more than once
whether we can pass the examination.

Now, today, he said it "was" abnormal and he just put what he saw in
the paper. Then I asked him why not tell us 6 months ago, and he
said it was not his responsibility.

So the doctor knew the result will not be acceptable by INS and
he failed to give us suggestion to further diagnose it or possibly
treat it. Today he cannot do anything to help us, because he said it
is not his specialty. Thus we waste 6 + months to handle this.

Today I showed the X-ray to a regular doctor in another clinic, and
the doctor there said it is not active TB, and he suggest me to have
a radiologist to do X-ray one more time and if there is no need of
further treatment, the radiologist can write a official letter
for us stating no further treatment is requred. But this radiologist
is not in the INS specified list, because he is a specialist in his own field, can any one tell me if this will be acceptable by INS.

Your comments are welcome.
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If you did these shots (vaccination) before, you can show this to the
doctor and the doctor can provide this to INS.

And if you did not accept these shot before, then I think your
doctor will remind you to get one when doing examination. Otherwise
it is his neglegence.

After you submitted all those to INS, then it depends on your luck.

I am not a specialist, therefore the above is just my guess.
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an, thanks for you reply.

I got a sealed envelop with the results in it. And I don\'t know at
all the result is not acceptable by INS, but I think the doctor must
know it . But he failed to tell me this, and did not suggest any
further diagnosis and / or treatment.

I am wondering, what about I really had the active disease? He just
let me walk out from his office and disseminate it to every one, and
possibly missed the chance of treatment?

Can any one tell me how to file a complaint? Any one with similar
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We are in the similar boat. My doctor also marked abnormal on my X-ray report but he checked "no acute disease". He said INS only cares about the conclusion so it shouldn\'t be a problem. What do you think? Did your doctor also check that box? We just filed 485 last week. I am getting worried we may end up getting REF also. What are you going to do now? Pls keep us posted. Thanks.
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I have heard many people have an initial failure of skin test and this is in many cases because of the BCC vaccinations which are administered during childhood, further X-rays should negate this. My advice would be to go get this done once again from a seperate Physician and carry out more determinate tests and send this report to INS , while mentioning what happened. good luck.
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I think ultimately you need a doctor listed on the INS list to sign the final report. I think you can bring the report from the Radiologist to the "new" doctor and he should give you the health clearance if everything is ok. Just make sure you don\'t go back to the previous INS doctor anymore. Good-luck