Tensions between India & Pakistan, effect on Jan CPers ?


Would this hightened state of tensions between India & Pakistan have any kind of effect for CPers going for Jan\'2002 interview ? Any thoughts or suggestions?

I think it might add some travel delays or inconveniences if atall there arises a situation of war! But I don\'t necessarily think there would be any major changes in the CP processing!
What do u guys think?.

Thought it would be a good topic of discuss.
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Well Jagee,
I have been thinking and debating this for the last few days. It definetly is making me uneasy. Of course the War, if it happens, might not result in changes to internal processing steps by the embassy but I believe the embassies will close as precautionary measure. Obviously that will directly effect CPers.

In addition, people travelling to the subcontinent will definetly be not able to get there.

All in all just another set of variable thrown into our quest for immigration to the Land of Free & Opportunities! So many things not in our control have to go right and fall in place, it just makes me shudder.
Postpone or not?

Media reports indicate war is a given now. The biggest pain will be the flight suspensions. Anyone rethinking CP?
War will be at Border / LOC only .....$$$$$$

but if it happens big time ..then the US Consulate will be shutdown immediately
I think it won\'t escalate more than words for another couple of months ...

I am no war expert but this is just my opinion.. Next month Tony Blair is visiting India in the second week of Jan- So for Jan Cp\'ers it will be a relief. Indian Armed forces have said that it would take 4 months to complete artillery and troops movement and also expressed that war in winter will not be good. Colin Powell or some High US delegate is set to visit India in Feb - So for Feb cp\'ers it could be some relief ....

Hey, anything might change at any time.. But I am just being optimistic and (want to)believe that war is not the way to resolve issues.
I agree Dandelion

I see it only as sabre rattling by our attention-hungry politicians. If they didn\'t have the balls to do anything so far how come the sudden interest ? May be the close elections ? Maybe the heat of several "oops"es the other politico goons have been raking up ? Or maybe the panic with the terorists lighting the fuse under their butts ? Anyways, I don\'t think we will go much beyond some border skirmishes, and although our poor soldiers and lot of civis in the area will suffer (as usual), our dear leader won\'t let it escalate to a point where it could threaten them, which means we, the icning on the (albeit rotting) cake should be reasonably ok.
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Well this time the parliment was attacked, that definitely says that even the leaders are no longer safe, even in their plush offices. I am not sure they want to sit on their hands and do nothing about it.