Temporary Permanent Resident Status & Divorce


New Member
I am in the process of having the conditions removed from my Temporary Permanent Residence Status (after 2 years). I gained this status through a legitimate marriage to a US citizen and we have seperated since I filed to have the conditions removed. My wife is set on getting a divorce and filed a petition for one. What should I do with regards to immigration?

Should I stall with a legal seperation until the conditions are removed and then file for divorce or comply with the divorce request and submit a waiver to the INS? What I'm getting at is whether one course of action has a higher probability of jeopordizing my Green Card status than the other. Perhaps it doesn't matter.

Thanks in advance.
kandada i went through a similar situation .. i take it you have filed, your
I 175 and waiting your removal of Temp Res.. i suggest stay the course on waiting for a reply from immigration should you have moved out .. make sure you inform homeland security of your new address change (without delay) providing your paper work is done correctly and you sent in the sworn affidavitts validating your marraige, i cant see a problem

as for your wife wanting the divorce... delay it as long as possible if she is in agreement to that ..if shes not .. you may have a fight on your hands
changes are it will take 18 months to get approved from date of filing the I-175 be patient and follow the rules

I got my reply back just this week.. Aproved !!!

if you think you need more info email me ... best of luck