Telling CSC that I moved out of state, mail another approval notice risky?


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Guys, yet again I turn to you for your experience.

I got approved on 01/24/02. Moved from CA to east coast on
01/10/02. As per other threads approval notices don\'t appear
to be forwarded in the mail. Attorney may or may not forward
me their courtesy copy (they tend to lose interest after you
get approved).

I did everything above board, old job simiar to new job, more than
180 days at sponsoring company, filed for H1 transfer etc. but
I didn\'t tell the INS of job transfer?

If I now phone up an IIO and tell them that I changed address,
can they mail me a new I485 approval notice, could this jeopordize
my approval? How long will it take to get a duplicate copy of I485
approval notice?

Bongo A Gogo
Bongo, check with Lawyer first - they should be able to forward their copy to you.

I don\'t remember reading about time taken for duplicate - so can\'t help you with that.

I\'m very sure that they will not revoke approval now on the basis of change of address or job - so it may not harm you by talking to IIO. (Check with lawyer first!)

My lawyer called up to tell me about approval letters once they received it - so I think lawyers normally would have a system (My lawyer has even offered to change address to their address for Plastic card as they are aware that I may have to again move around once more in next six months!!)

I know it is difficult not to be paranoid when it comes to INS, but I think it extremely unlikely that they will revoke the approval just because of an address change. It is normal stuff that people do. And I remember reading in a recent post that the AVM approval message goes "This case has been approved. If you haven\'t received it within xx days...". Considering the above, I would think that it is just a matter of time before a change of address and re-issue request is entertained by the INS.

Of course, the above is speculative and not based on experience, personal or 3rd party.
No Title

If I was just moving from Fremont to San Jose, I agree with
you guys.

But I moved from Fremont to New York!!

My attorney isn\'t the most helpful. I paid for
her myself. She was hoping that she would get
more work out of me (RFE, Interview etc.), but
surprisingly my case got approved without either.

Anyone had any experience how long it will take
after I tell the IIO of my address change to
mail out a new one.

Bongo, can you give lawyers\' details


Can you tell me her contact info. and also share with me your experience and if you have know any other good lawyer in the Fremont area.

question req. 180 days...

        I remember reading a post a while back that you were considering hiring A..R.. of FDBL. How was your experience.
Did you intimate the INS reg. your job change after 180 days.

 Can you let us know FDBL\'s postion reg. 180 day rule?
eg. do they consider rd or nd? their pricing (heard they are expensive)
        Appreciate if you can reply or send a private message

Hi Guys,

FDBL is a conservative firm, they don\'t want
you to get into any trouble. They will want
you to inform the INS if you change jobs,
the INS memo says you should, so that is what
they go by.

Personally, if I were to do it again, and
I WAS NOT moving across the country, I would not
hire a lawyer until I got an RFE or interview.

The one benefit I got from FDBL is that they
received my approval notice today and should receive
my wife\'s very soon. If it wasn\'t for them, I would
be in a big pickle.

FDBL is expensive, but they get the job done.
I did my H1, H1 transfer and GC all through FDBL.
I didn\'t get a single RFE for any of them.
I think when you pay for a good lawyer, you pay
for their quality assurance system, that double/triple
checks that all the forms are present, signed etc.

I may be complementing them too quickly. They haven\'t
received my wife\'s approval notice as yet.
AOS approval will get forwarded

Atleast it did for a friend of mine who moved. (His approval was from TSC though). So be patient for a few days before you go about doing something.
No Title

Hang on.

Everyone is saying that the approval notice says:
"Return Service Requested". This means USPS will
not forward it.

Or does the envelope not say "RSR" on it?
No Title

I am not sure dude. But a friend of mine moved, and his change of address to INS did not go through. His approval notice did get forwarded by the post office to the new address -- so I assume that the envelope did not say RSR. I can check with him more if you want and let you know tomorrow.
Bongo - I saw this post now - I posted a reply on another just now - good to see you got your approv

not sure if I\'m missing another post of yours telling about wife\'s approval..

Why dont you call up INS and give them address of one of your friend in Fremont.. That way chances of suspicion are less.
Bongo... (Sorry reposting since i did not post it at the end of the list )

Why dont you call up INS and give them address of one of your friend in Fremont.. That way chances of suspicion are less.
I think this would be illegal

I\'m telling the INS I live somewhere where I obviously
never had.