Taxes for the interview in Hartford CT .....


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Hello to everyone, I have doubt about my taxes,I have my interview for September and with my interview letter I received a list about documents that we must bring, they request me taxes of last 5 years, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, my question is in those of the 2002, 2003, 2004, I don't have any problem with the others years, also I spoke with the IRS , they sent me the transcrips for the 2002.2003.2004 and also a general transcrip of my all taxes, I hope that this is sufficient, in addition I married in 2004, my wife has tourist visa, she comes every certain time, somebody told me that since a person get married have to fill the taxes like married, but I always fill my taxes like single, now I will send the amendments from 2004, 2005, 2006 and also I will send the application for my wife's tax id number, because without that I cannot include it in the amendments, this process take about 4 months, so for my citizenship interview I will take all copies about the amendments and my transcrips of the 5 years, if the officer ask me about my wife i will try to explain, I'm a little nervous for that,but hopefully God help me that day and the officer is an amiable person .. Thanks and good luck everyone..:)
Hello to everyone, I have doubt about my taxes,I have my interview for September and with my interview letter I received a list about documents that we must bring, they request me taxes of last 5 years, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, my question is in those of the 2002, 2003, 2004, I don't have any problem with the others years, also I spoke with the IRS , they sent me the transcrips for the 2002.2003.2004 and also a general transcript of my all taxes, I hope that this is sufficient, in addition I married in 2004, my wife has tourist visa, she comes every certain time
The interview is certainly an opportunity for the IO to browse through your life in the last 5 years. Your post raises a few questions you are in the best position to answer because you are the person who made choices.

Thhe IO may wonder:
- why your wife and yourself do not have the same address (since you reside in the United States and she does not).
- whether your wife and yourself intended to have a common residence
- if you did not, what was the purpose of the marriage.

From your post your spouse is neither getting nor seeking any Immigration benefit from your current situation however this is a little unusual that she comes only every once a while. The reason being that unless other unknown factors come into play she should be able to file an I-130/I-485 i.e. apply for Adjustment of Status to Legal Permanent Resident since you are GC holder.

Please note: I do not need to know the answers to these questions however it would be best for yourself to know the answers to these types of questions.

somebody told me that since a person get married have to fill the taxes like married, but I always fill my taxes like single
I think actually that you can file as married only if you have the same address i.e. share the same household - you may want to check with a tax specialist.
Definitely get advice from a tax specialist. It is possible you may not have to file as married if your wife was living outside the country separately from you. And if you do have to file amended returns, you better make sure to do it right. You are likely to get refunds, and you want to make sure you get back the full amount of whatever you are entitled to. And you might have to include your spouse's income on it. Spend a few hundred dollars and consult a professional ... lots of money and your citizenship is at stake. Tax season is already past, so you should be able to find somebody at a reasonable rate.

You and your wife are lucky that the officers at the port of entry haven't found out about your marriage. The tourist visa requires nonimmigrant intent, and being married to a green card holder or citizen living in the US is considered evidence of immigrant intent. Anyway, once you get your citizenship you'll be able to bring her in. And of course, it is Immigration's rules that caused her not to be living with you already.
Hello to everyone, I have doubt about my taxes,I have my interview for September and with my interview letter I received a list about documents that we must bring, they request me taxes of last 5 years, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, my question is in those of the 2002, 2003, 2004, I don't have any problem with the others years, also I spoke with the IRS , they sent me the transcrips for the 2002.2003.2004 and also a general transcrip of my all taxes, I hope that this is sufficient, in addition I married in 2004, my wife has tourist visa, she comes every certain time, somebody told me that since a person get married have to fill the taxes like married, but I always fill my taxes like single, now I will send the amendments from 2004, 2005, 2006 and also I will send the application for my wife's tax id number, because without that I cannot include it in the amendments, this process take about 4 months, so for my citizenship interview I will take all copies about the amendments and my transcrips of the 5 years, if the officer ask me about my wife i will try to explain, I'm a little nervous for that,but hopefully God help me that day and the officer is an amiable person .. Thanks and good luck everyone..:)

USCIS wouldn't have any issue since you have paid more taxes as Single status. As per my tax accountant, even if your spouse is not in the United States, you can file married filing jointly as long as the spouse has ITIN and include world-wide income of both the spouses in U.S tax filing. Hope this helps out!

But another one triggered in my mind. You told your spouse was on tourist visa in the U.S. Please do not open your mouth with USCIS officer about this matter. If you had sponsored the tourist visa, it might be questioned. So as far as possible, don't discuss about it. However, if they ask, you tell the truth, otherwise they might find lack of moral character in you.

Good luck again during the first week of Sep for your interview. Relax, have a deep breath on that day!
My wife is on her F-1 Visa before and after we married one year ago.
I put this on the N-400. Will this cause any problem?

Thanks in advance.
My wife is on her F-1 Visa before and after we married one year ago.
I put this on the N-400. Will this cause any problem?

Thanks in advance.

No. Her purpose can easily be proved for studies, if she has attended the University. So, there is no problem at all. Here the sponsor is the University people, not you.
My wife is on her F-1 Visa before and after we married one year ago.
I put this on the N-400. Will this cause any problem?

Thanks in advance.
It won't cause a problem with your citizenship, but it could cause her to be denied re-entry to the US the next time she tries to use the F-1 visa at a port of entry. Wait until you get your citizenship approved and file for her green card before the next time she leaves the US.
Hi ottoreyna,
Can you please post ur timeline?
Becz i am also in HARTFORD DO. I received IL for 12th April. It was cancelled.
Waiting for 3rd IL...........So just want to compare.....

Hi ottoreyna,
Can you please post ur timeline?
Becz i am also in HARTFORD DO. I received IL for 12th April. It was cancelled.
Waiting for 3rd IL...........So just want to compare.....


Hi MEEK1234, Please visit Hartford, DO timeline thread (search for CTN400) that has a spreadsheet for recent processing. Can you please post your complete details, so that I can add yours too.