Tax Question


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my wife messed up our 2006 taxes and we got more money than we should get.

This year i filed my 2007 taxes with a tax specialist and i also filed an ammendment for last year's taxes and i made plans with IRS to pay my dues with a monthly note

Will this be an issue during my interview?

thank you guys
Not at all. Just take your 2006 tax return and 2007 tax return + amendment with you to the interview. Better yet, just order tax transcripts from the IRS for 2003-2007 for free. Tax transcripts are the most authentic tax document because it shows you actually filed a tax return, as opposed to just showing a tax return which is a copy of a document you produce. Either way, you have no tax issue.
I think so too... I don't think they are that qualified to find about that when IRS people had no problems with it.
came here nov 10 2006 on h1b as a teacher. my wife and child came here may 2007 on h4. i filed 1040 for my 2006 tax return as as single and filed 1040nr on my 2007 tax return as married because my tax preparer told me. i am still on my current status but my employer sponsored my greencard. the tax expert said that i should have filed 1040 on my 2007 tax return. my question is, will this affect my greencard application if i didnt amend it?
Where you did you find that tax preparer, H&R Block? They are clueless when it comes to international issues (including 1040 vs. 1040NR).

With H1B status you are supposed to file as a US resident.

I don't think it will affect your green card, but it could cause you problems with the IRS if the incorrect filing resulted in paying too little tax. It's not a good idea to owe the IRS money for a long time, as the penalties and interest will keep building.

If on the other hand you paid too much tax as a result of filing as 1040NR, the IRS won't penalize you, but that would be free money you gave them if you don't refile to claim it back. I think you have 3 years max to file an amended return if you are trying to get back money from the IRS.
came here nov 10 2006 on h1b as a teacher. my wife and child came here may 2007 on h4. i filed 1040 for my 2006 tax return as as single and filed 1040nr on my 2007 tax return as married because my tax preparer told me. i am still on my current status but my employer sponsored my greencard. the tax expert said that i should have filed 1040 on my 2007 tax return. my question is, will this affect my greencard application if i didnt amend it?

I agree with Jack - you should file amended returns irrespective of immigration consequences. 2006 should be married filing separately since you were actually married but your wife was a non-resident. 2007 should be 1040 as resident, married filing jointly (if your wife had a TIN).
Consult a CPA before filing the ameended returns. You can also call and talk to IRS agents when you have tax questions - they are helpful in my experience.