Talking to the media

Soumy. None taken by me. But you sure'll get run out of SFO for making such a comment.:D
And now I see the joke, thx for clearing that up. :D
getting back on track

Hi guys,
good distraction :) now lets get back on track.

Please send me media pointers if you come across people/press that you think would be willing to hear our story

long_ wait for_ gc any comments on the media list above??We should not let the momentum slide ..
I know for a fact that San Jose Mercury News is always interested in community problems. Their policy is into reflecting diversity and they have been supported the late idea of public journalism. The fact with them is to prove to them that BCIS backlogs are a problem that affect the Silicon Valley communities. Which, I think, it's not so difficult to do, since we are so many.
David Yarnold, who used to be the executive editor and now is something else that I don't remember, has been supporting the diversity idea very hard.
And one adnotation: since I am not Indian, I would be frustrated if you push the agends only from an Indian perspective, and I think so will be other people on this forum that are not from India.
Second thing: if we want to be successful with pushing our agenda with the media, I think first we need to consider ourselves as a homogenous civil pressure group, because otherwise nobody is going to take us into consideration.
We will need to be very organized and perseverent, and have a logical, argumentative, appealing discourse. We will need to figure out which parts of our problem could be appealing to their publication's audience and how to meet those expectations. Last, I think that no whinning and finger pointing will be of any help (such as "I know a guy with an idential file with mine that was approved before mine and I don't think it's fair").
Then we will also have to provide good individual stories: the more dramatic, the better. Sorry, but unfortunately that's the media truth: "if it bleeds, it leads".

I hope we will be able to work that into something good for everybody on this list. I am open for helping.
Originally posted by long_wait_4_gc
Hi Everyone,
I think we're seeing some action in the media around the INS screwup. Many of us including SM want to and have tried to contact the members of the media directly. A little advice that can make your message easier to digest & of much more interest that the media will pick it up.

Firstly would I be wrong to assume that a good majority of you are engineers? Don't think so. I've been working in marketing for the past 4 years and regularly speak to the press/media and would like to pass on some tips so you can really make a difference and keep the press on your side rather than irritate them.

1. Find a spokesperson:- Someone who is very familiar with the day to day issues and intricacies - someone who can communicate clearly and succinctly (like SM, PCee) would be a good candidate.

2. Identify media sources
+ consumer press (businessweek etc.)
+ newspaper (SJ Merc News, Chronicle)
+ TV - reach out to India Post/TV

3. Indian leaders in the community
+ Vinod Khosla - he would care wouldn't he?

4. The idea is to give the press guy a story. That is what they care about. More so in democratic california - this repression of legal immigrats and playing with their future is a real story. Compelling. It gives them ammo to bash bush & his homeland security farce.

But there is a way to communicate this message in a credible and forceful manner. How do you build credibility with the press?

1. Build contact & trust first - tee up the issue at hand and whet the appetite of the press guy. Don't blow them over with 100's of emails and sob stories.

2. After introductions are done and they media person receiprocates some interest, give them the story. Honestly the real story here isn't that 485 processing has been delayed 2X in past 2 years. it could be that honest, hardworking indians that have contributed to much economic growth in the valley & elsewhere are being harassed and taken for a long ride. it could be something else that hits home. In other words, lets work on crafting a story which will get picked up.

Am willing to help SM or anyone else craft, position and push thru in the media.


We can all share the workload.

We should first find all the relevant sources
1. Media
2. Congress women/me
3. Senator
4. Lawyers

We need to make a plan and than follow that.
for e.g.

1. Get sources
2. Make a case
3. All of us simultaneously should send our cases to all the sources
see KQED thead

see email on the KQED thread - send me your email if you would like to volunteer to help push this forward. Need only 4-5 people to be the core drivers.
