talked with an IIO


Registered Users (C)
Hello All,

RD 8/6/1
ND 9/18/1

I talked with an IIO today. He said since I have a lawyer, I should not be calling them. I should go through the lawyer.
He also said it might take 1 month for my case to get assigned to an officer.
Is there anyone with Aug RD still waiting?

I was told a few weeks back that my case has been assigned to an officer.

RD : 08/10/01
ND : 09/17/01
My dates are close.
RD 8/10/2001
ND 9/19/2001

I received an RFE on Oct 18th, 2002. It was for employment verification and my wife's vaccinations. Response to RFE was
received by INS on the 22nd of November. I was hoping get the approval by the end of the year. But then "freeze" kicked in. Last week I called and IIO said my response is matched to the file and also mentioned it is NOT with an officer yet. So, I am thinking as soon as they lift the freeze, my case should get the legs back.

Good luck to all and HAPPY NEW YEAR !
Hi neb_queue. What kind of RFE did you get for your wife's vaccination. Did she miss any of the vaccinations which are needed for the medical exam ?
Thanks Neb_Queue !! Isnt this ridiculous that you can get an RFE for such a valid reason. I mean isnt there a way to mention to INS in the form that these were the reasons for her not to take the vaccinations.

Lets hope you and your wife get approval soon !!!