Talked to IIO


Registered Users (C)
Got to an IIO after 15min wait.
Called to ask about my EAD renewal ( RD 11/18 and ND 11/26). She said it is in card production stage and I should receive the card in 4 weeks. I asked her if it meant that the case is approved?? she said yes. But I wasn't convinced as online message still says "I-765 application received on ....".
if anyone knows about card production stage... can you please share??
Kasak_ Busak,
I think the IIO gave you the most updated information. I think the online status is not updated as promptly as before. We are seeing a lot people getting their cards even when their online status has not changed. So lets be optimistic and hope that you get your card soon. Congratulations!!

IIO gave u the right answer. my online status says that same thing but i got my card 2 days. my RD and ND are close to yours.

I think IIO is right. My EAD renewal with RD 11/ 25 and ND 12/3 was approved on Jan 8, by checking the online information.
Thanks Guys!!

will start looking for the cards in the mail.
My old card expires today. So I guess I will have to stop work from tomorrow and I believe I can join only when I receive the card in hand. Please letme know your thoughts about this.
My company allowed me to resume based on online-msg. I just had to show them my EAD renewal app reciept notice so that they can match the EAC numbers.

My ead had expired on dec17-2002 and my renewal got approved on Jan 3rd-03. Of course for the in-between period I was not able to work.

I think you should talk to people at your company. Most likely they will accept that.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
Thanks DBGW,

Maybe I could do something like that once my online message changes to the desirable one. Meanwhile, when you received the EAD card, did the start date for the renewed on say Dec18th 2002 or some later date??

I have not reced the EAD card yet. I'll post the msg re:effective date as soon as I get it. Hope it says dec-18-2002
Thanks DBGW for your clarification - I will try convinving my HR folks that they shld allow me to continue based on AD.

By the way, what is the RD? If my application reached INS Vermont yesterday, will that be the RD?
The effective date of your new EAD will be exactly one day after the old one's expiration date.

Good luck to convince your HR staff!

If you think the INS workers are the only ones who s*ck, think again:
I had never used my EAD and my H1 is expiring soon --

H1 expiration date 2/1/03
1st EAD 2/21/03
new EAD 2/22/03 -- 2/21/04

An HR personel realized that my I-9 expiration date was approching (2/1/03) and asked me to fill out a new I-9 form a few days ago. So I did and gave her a copy of both my EADs and put on the new I-9 expiration date as 2/21/04. (And I had my manager checked all those -- my EADs in possesion and the copy, I-9 form, and made copies of everything for the manager to keep). When I checked my personal info after she (HR) updated it, I was shocked to see my new I-9 expiration date was 2/21/2003 (instead of 2004!). So I asked her why and she said she didn't realize there were 2 EAD cards. She wouldn't even have checked with me or my manager if anything was in doubt. What was she going to do? Call me in the next 20 days or so to fill out yet another I-9 form? She was happy with the fact that my I-9 was extended by 20 days after all that? Cannot she tell, on the newly filled I-9 form, the difference from 03 to 04? I don't get it!