Talked to IIO


Registered Users (C)
I called up the NSC for Address Change. Spoke with the IIO for about 3-4 minutes. She was helpfull.

After doing the address change I asked her about FP notice. She said it\'s not been sent yet. My RD is 7/23/2001. She said they are working on 10/25/2000 cases. So I have to wait for sometime. But I have seen a lot of people here with RD after mine, have already gotten their FP notices.

Anybody can throw a light on. (Apart from \'Don\'t believe on the IIO\' stuff!)

My understanding is that FP

notices are issued based upon how much load your local INS center can handle, where you go for FP. So, if you see a FP notices coming for people with same RD as yours and in same location where you live then you need to worry. My assumption is based upon discussions thread on this board and INS may have totally different criteria about this.
The Date she gave you is...

probably the current "Date of Cases Pending Initial Adjudication". This is the date of the files that they are working on the final "Approval" (not the FP). Sometimes, this date is not even correct. They\'ve been giving me same date for last two months.

If that\'s true, waiting time for FP is a lot shorter in a small city where a local INS office exists than in busy cities. Am I understanding right?