Talked to IIO: What does this mean?


Registered Users (C)
RD:7/12 ND:8/28 WAC#: 01-269-***** I talked to IIO today. After asking her where the case was stuck, she said that the \'card\' is waiting to be scanned. I wondered what card was she talking about. On asking, she said that card that has the FP/signature etc. I already got my EAD and I think the Plastic card was ordered only after you do the Passport stamping. But she said that FP was reviewd, case was assigned and now it was waiting for that \'CARD\' thing. WONDER WHAT THAT MEANS? Anybody has a clue?
Did you ask the IIO what the "Card" thing meant?

If your case is assigned, then you are probably very close to approval (or RFE 5%, Interview 5%).

Good Luck.
My WAC is 01-262 and still waiting to be assigned. Consider yourself lucky..
WAC-01-266-XXXX still waiting!

I had talked to the IIO around Feb 20th, the case was not assigned at that time, rest of the details are as follows :
RD 07/03;
ND 08/24;
FP 12/11;
AVM "Processing resumed ..." 01/10/02

I have heard that if you call IIO\'s all too frequently that may further delay your case. But it\'s so frustrating seeing people who have send in the applications months latter than I have sent, and getting approved, I know it\'s per case, but weird after almost 3.5 months of FP no RFE, no approval nothing, makes me wonder how INS works.

When would be appropriate to call the IIO now, one month, two months, when should I call the IIO now.

Got no clue as to what they are doing with my case, I am sure some lazy officer is sittling on our case.

Let me know what you guys think about it, is there anything we can do to get our cases under the IIO\'s/officer\'s attention.