Talked to IIO...very interesting


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Talked to interesting .

My rd: 4 dec and ND is 18th dec.I am sick and tired of hearing same AM message and could not help calling the IIO.

Two weeks back i called IIO. I was told "your case has been assigned to officer"

Today the reply was " your case has been moved to the area where it will be reviewed".Give it 30 days.

I was told no RFE so far and FP was fine.

Lets see what happens.
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What does it mean by "moved to work area for review"

 How long does it take after this move is done ?
My guess.

There is no IIO at all. We had talked to some dummy answering machine. It generate some dummy answers on our guestions.
The alrorithm is:
On first call - case is pending.
Second - With officer.
Third - Moved to work area.
On forth - they generated RFE for you.
On fifth - they send you deny notice.
But, be careful. If you don\'t call at all, they will lost your case.
that makes a lot of rus..may be the loop stops at the point we call.

I dont want to go to your step 4 :)
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I think work area means the IIO\'s brain, where some decisions
         are being made.

         Man, these people are so dense and philosophical.
case loop into a decison process

I remebered sometime ago I saw a process chart (in an INS report) used by INS to approve 485 case. If a case seemed straightforward to an officer, it would be approved right away. That is why we have seen many aprroved cases with Jan.-ND. While an officer had reasonable doubt on a case, then the case will start a journey going to another loop for a decision, that may take 60-90 days. That is why we have seen many early ND cases still have not been approved.
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They gave me the same reply yesterday when I called them. But in the previous week they told me the case is with an officer.
blast K....i find that a little encouraging

Maybe assigned to officer means he has been allocated our case.and moved to area where it is being looked is slightly better.
Hope to hear something soon.
abci, I got that reply 3 weeks back. You can see the xls document

When I called IIO 3 weeks ago, she said my case is in the working area. But no news yet. May be I am not that luckyin this week.
Hoping for good luck next week .Cross your fingers..
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Talked with an IIO. Both my wife\'s case and my case is with an officer for review. IIO said give it 4 weeks.